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haluura t1_j9ku85w wrote

Reply to comment by paruresis_guy in Glonous History by PrinceAmled

Back then, they made these typos because whenever an organization in China needed an English translation, they usually just got one of the board member's high school age children to do it. That ended when the CCP clamped down hard on the practice during the years leading up to the Beijing Olympics.

Although, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that this is what happened here. It's been a few decades since the Beijing Olympics. This company might be small enough that they are gambling that they can get away with this trick without the Govt detecting it.


tiggs81682 t1_j9lb8gh wrote

You made me think, has it really been a few decades since the Beijing Olympics? Am I really that old?

The answer is, no, it's been a decade and half, since the summer Olympics, which I feel is a safe assumption of the Olympics you are referencing.

But yes, I'm old.