ProJYeet OP t1_jaby6c6 wrote
And make it bubble
To protect the world from dehydration
To quench all thirst within our nation
To denounce the evils of lesser drinks
It's better than Pepsi, don't you think?
Team rocket shakes up at the speed of light
Drop in a mentos and prepare to fight!
Fleshsuitpilot t1_jabydpd wrote
I'm Meowth.
aintrightinthehead t1_jabyw5l wrote
Sandra bullocks worst nightmare
Zookeper445 t1_jabz3ag wrote
Make it double.
marzipan07 t1_jabz77n wrote
for $2.77 plus deposit where applicable.
Vip3r20 t1_jabzc20 wrote
How is it this post that is making me connect Jesse and James from Pokémon to the outlaw Jesse James. 29 years and that just connected...
[deleted] t1_jabziqb wrote
ngatipakehatokuiwi t1_jabzu7v wrote
Team rocket is fizzing off again! ……
Plinfilore t1_jac04nx wrote
Now you just have to find Waltuh and it'll be a crossover?
chaosbrot t1_jac0awe wrote
"Jesse, we need to coke"
FakeAwareness t1_jac12ls wrote
that's just perfect!
[deleted] t1_jac1qv5 wrote
[deleted] t1_jac1usz wrote
HiddeHandel t1_jac2j7n wrote
Jesse we need to cook
Uno-The-Card t1_jac2qto wrote
Meowth, that's Sprite!
MosesOnAcid t1_jac3ify wrote
Unbeknownst to them, behind them are 2 named Bob and Ford...
youradhere562 t1_jac3pbe wrote
Time for coke!!!
Zkenny13 t1_jac4407 wrote
I'm gonna go binge Indigo League on Netflix now.
[deleted] t1_jac445w wrote
_Ninja_Putin t1_jac599b wrote
iamprettierthanyou t1_jac5ueq wrote
I dunno, $277 seems a bit steep
[deleted] t1_jac65yg wrote
[deleted] t1_jac680i wrote
D3adlyN00b t1_jac68o5 wrote
Came looking for this and was not disappointed
NoLifeGamer2 t1_jac6dd7 wrote
Jesse! We need to coke!
[deleted] t1_jac6jae wrote
OkSquirrel5696 t1_jac6tk7 wrote
Make it double
[deleted] t1_jac70vo wrote
gramie t1_jac7ef3 wrote
I can't believe that people are continuing to drink Coke and other sodas. The last time I bought a 2 l bottle for my wife, it was $4 Canadian. I told her that I'm never buying it again. That's about a 100% increase in the past year or two.
Daddygamer84 t1_jac7mqe wrote
Sorry, is Pepsi okay?
SeekRus t1_jac7pba wrote
Jesse, we need to coke
Golden-Owl t1_jac7v63 wrote
The anime had a fun time with naming
In the original Japanese, they were named Musashi and Kojiro, after two famous rival swords masters
Vip3r20 t1_jac7zt8 wrote
Wtf that's Orient. Omg lol
Small_Tax_9432 t1_jac8273 wrote
For $2.77 you can make that double 😉
Netsrak69 t1_jac8yju wrote
Mentos: That's right.
ugh_idgaf t1_jac9bvs wrote
It just dawned on me that these two are named after Jessie James, the old west outlaw. Nearly 30 years it took me to realize that.
Hanayo04 t1_jac9laj wrote
I can hear this photo
BashedKeyboard t1_jaca2bk wrote
And make your calories double
tangcameo t1_jacbtxo wrote
Still looking for a Dana one
apoplectic_moose t1_jaccnwu wrote
Uegh! This oughta be good!
The_Fox1984 t1_jaccwjc wrote
Oh you didn’t know
rgiunta t1_jacd84u wrote
Tonight we’re gonna go down in flaaaames…
CLBUK t1_jacf1hv wrote
I had to scroll far to find the Cher reference!
ItsChris1206 t1_jacf2yi wrote
AirbagOff t1_jach3g9 wrote
Yeah, I felt the sudden urge to cheat on Sandra Bullock.
edlee98765 t1_jachw76 wrote
Is this the real life? Is this just Fanta sea?
Simbas_World t1_jacjb5z wrote
Doesn’t coke dehydrate
SynthSwanOG t1_jacku0r wrote
Team Coke is blasting off again!!
[deleted] t1_jacm75c wrote
Black_Moons t1_jaco5sm wrote
.... presses plunger, Jessy and James get blasted into the stratosphere with a very smokey explosion
Jsnooots t1_jacpjbd wrote
I'm old.
I was wondering if the comments would be about motorcycle building racists or a cowboy gunslinger.
I was the only one apparently. I only saw Pokemon a few years ago with my son but they are a distant third to pop into my head.
elcuban27 t1_jacprlh wrote
…and make it double, for $2.77
Loud_Caterpillar_334 t1_jacq3lu wrote
Wait till you hear about Butch and Cassidy...
Noble9360 t1_jacqfdg wrote
turnitupcunt t1_jacw42u wrote
And that's a muthafuckin' shame
hop_mantis t1_jacwk11 wrote
No, just hydrates very slightly less
[deleted] t1_jacwn42 wrote
hop_mantis t1_jacwofq wrote
Some episode had another team rocket duo named butch and cassidy
billfriedman9987 t1_jaczr52 wrote
Jessie James caught that ball
Gustopherus-the-2nd t1_jad4ngp wrote
Your ass better call somebody!!!!!
Gustopherus-the-2nd t1_jad4wti wrote
I prefer one half of the New Age Outlaws…. and if you’re not down with that?
The_Fox1984 t1_jad4wv7 wrote
Ya see it’s me it’s me the D O double G
RoyalFalse t1_jad73q7 wrote
...and make it doub--two dollars and seventy-seven cents, please
Nupadoop t1_jad9rsn wrote
The fact this was attached to pokemon and not the famous outlaw is disappointing
KuzmaskillGames t1_jadcf1o wrote
Jesse we need coke
Jsnooots t1_jadeffb wrote
LoL, I'd forgotten this one. Nice pull.
UpstairsDifficult966 t1_jadekt6 wrote
Dude that's actually me and my brother
LunchtimeMmmmmmmmm t1_jadl3pc wrote
For a second i thought it was going to be a breaking bad reference
[deleted] t1_jadpai4 wrote
stfcfanhazz t1_jadwmed wrote
And make it double heart-bypass
NewDamage31 t1_jae29oq wrote
Prepare for diabetes, and make it double
LeftEducation3678 t1_jae7g8z wrote
Jesse you cooked the wrong coke
Vincent__Vega t1_jae8bif wrote
Or the "Real" Double J
yanbag609 t1_jae9wxt wrote
OMG! (✷‿✷)
FadransPhone t1_jaeaa8l wrote
The $2.77 for 2 deal is the icing on the cake here
[deleted] t1_jaefome wrote
payeco t1_jaeg9ba wrote
As a former Philly resident I’d recognize that Wawa price display tag anywhere.
VoidRadio t1_jaem6o6 wrote
2 for 2.77 and make it double.
BigFunShow t1_jaeo1mh wrote
Yo that's my name
Alarming amount of people think I'm named after the guy who made motorcycles
[deleted] t1_jaeoz22 wrote
whatacad t1_jaeplzc wrote
Kojiro can be a girl's name?
xgelx t1_jaesqup wrote
Is that the Steelers TE who caught that one pass?
xgelx t1_jaeswaz wrote
Can confirm
[deleted] t1_jaf21gn wrote
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