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new-6reddit9 t1_jaaysej wrote

I will never buy from a fascist corporations - Iā€™m placing country above fascist companies!


hotChihuahua69 t1_jab47wr wrote

So how do you eat?


new-6reddit9 t1_jab59af wrote

As a former - farm worker. Mexicans feed you everyday - you enjoy your salads? Thank a Mexican!


hotChihuahua69 t1_jab68bl wrote

What does that have to do with corporate fascist you won't support??? But if you worked these acres, you worked for the very fascist corporations to feed yourself after they paid you... šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Stivo887 t1_jabp5wf wrote

Probably the biggest one of them all, farm worker. The irony lol


fighter5345 t1_jab5tsd wrote

Bro, you're using the word "fascist" so much I'm beginning to doubt the validity of it's meaning.

Can we agree that a fascist is about having a strong nationalistic outlook for your country and faith in a government ruled by one government body that directly controls the countries economy and wide social programs, and suppresses opposition by force?

Because retaining the meanings of words is really important for them to not become useless sentence fodder.
