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lassehvillum t1_jdzlnxw wrote

nah eastern europeans rarely know english. its mostly norway and sweden of these countries where a lot of people know english


Cement-eater t1_jdzp36i wrote

Source: memes


FPSCanarussia t1_jdzsoo8 wrote

From what I've heard? There's three big countries where, if you do business with their companies, you will be expected to know their language. Italy, Russia, and China.


abofh t1_je036s8 wrote

Most service people speak it well enough if they live in any sort of touristic area.

Source: In Croatia, don't speak Croatian.


Player_X330 t1_jdzp14j wrote

Don’t forget Finland! English is a mandatory subject in school here.


bushcrapping t1_je01d74 wrote

It is in lots of countries but it doesn't mean they speak it well.

Finland is an odd one IMO because they have really good English but I always thought the reason for the Nordic countries good English was something to do with their native languages but Finnish is completely different.