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Jeri_Shea t1_iu9z3hw wrote

Thats such an "Uncle Steve" thing to do. Every other "Uncle Steve" in the world approves.


burntgreens OP t1_iu9zm8q wrote

For sure. This one could be president of the Uncle Steve society. Self-published a novel about his alter self as a lady-loving FBI agent, does martial arts in his yard barn, you get the gist.


htmlcody t1_iubuhe2 wrote

that’s an uncle steve i’d like to meet


Chompsy1337 t1_iuaaqfp wrote

I am an uncle who's name is Steve. I approve and only put the shirt on if it's a fancy holiday like Thanksgiving. You better believe Fourth of July that thing stays off and fireworks burn the chest hairs off WOOWOO!


Jeri_Shea t1_iuab0vj wrote

I mean, I imagine you HAVE a shirt, just that it's something that's partially tucked into your back pocket and hangs down to your knees. The purpose? To have something to wave wildly over your head while "WOOWOO-ing".


RedFox_Jack t1_iub2tig wrote

Uncle Steve “I dunno what Hd is but the doctor called and said I got 80 of them bitchs WOOOWOO”