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Anxious_Aide_2091 t1_iu9znq0 wrote

Where’s the 5th brother?


burntgreens OP t1_iu9zymo wrote

Sitting on the floor, cross-legged, head back. He was born when my gramma was 50+ and had disabilities.


Van_GOOOOOUGH t1_iuacj40 wrote

Gramma must've been a hottie gettin' continuously laid for decades with no rest.


burntgreens OP t1_iuaf8d2 wrote

She was a very mean woman.


SnooSongs8218 t1_iudrjt2 wrote

Probably correlates to when she stopped getting laid… My grandmother was very cantankerous and grouchy, realized when I was older, that it got worse around the time my Grandparents moved into separate bedrooms.