SeaweedSorcerer t1_ixxoljw wrote
Our local store just dumped all of the shelf stable essentials together in consolidated displays. I thought that was genius.
Not1random1enough t1_ixyv31v wrote
Big stores don't because they want you to walk passed other items
imightgetdownvoted t1_ixz3s8r wrote
They can also charge for shelf space and better placement
PersonMan0326 t1_iy0aa84 wrote
Everyone wants you to walk passed items. Small stores still put milk and bread in the back, soda and candy by registers.
It's not as if small businesses aren't interested in making money. The difference between small and big is that you can only have so many customers walking around your small store before people just turn around and leave if they can't find what they need, if the aisles are too crowded and/or small, or if lines are long. Big stores can hold that same amount of people, and it looks empty, so they don't have to worry as much about capacity issues affecting sales.
Not1random1enough t1_iy0okqh wrote
Purple_Surple t1_iy1ta34 wrote
[deleted] t1_ixz5f2z wrote
62pickup t1_ixza3ky wrote
Not from a sales and marketing perspective
In a store, you want customers to walk all over the place to increase additional sales.
SeaweedSorcerer t1_iy11s1u wrote
Maybe, maybe not. It upsold me on those delicious fried onion toppers that I wouldn’t have hunted down in a random aisle.
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