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duhvorced t1_iy32si6 wrote

It’s an Australian thing. (And someone from AUS should correct me if I have this wrong.)

Where beach cities in the US employ lifeguards, in AUS they have life saving “clubs”. Same basic role - to patrol the beach, rescue swimmers in distress - but they’re more social, more strongly identified with by the community. They also have competitions between clubs, so there’s more of a sporting element to it, kind of like lower-tier football (soccer) teams in England.

And yes, this is an American using an analogy to British sports to explain an Australian concept, so you’re right to be skeptical. 😜


Wibbles20 t1_iy33bfa wrote

That's the general gist, other than there is some paid lifeguards.

Life saving clubs can also refer to the clubhouse, where there is often some kind of restaurant and bar open to the public


TraderJulz t1_iy7fqyp wrote

Very interesting. Thank you for your explanation. I was so confused just reading the title. Never heard anything like that before😅