SlothOperator t1_j29an3z wrote
The 3 shells is a nice touch, man.
Halfcut2023 t1_j29birh wrote
Next step is to paint that awful color.
moleware OP t1_j29bp5o wrote
Oh my god yes. We slap that up because believe it or not it was better than what was there before. Our next step is to actually pay for paint and do it right when we can afford it.
And don't even get me started on the floor...
moleware OP t1_j29bv0q wrote
Got to be prepared, right?
Kill3rT0fu t1_j29ceha wrote
>when we can afford it.
Good luck in Colorado
awisemanonceredd t1_j29cmm8 wrote
Don't forget the bath salts
Hairy_Emu_6596 t1_j29cqjd wrote
Those seashells will help them feel right at home. Or clean up if they run out of tp.
kilroy000 t1_j29d7rn wrote
I still don't know how to use the three seashells!
Plane_Flan_1591 t1_j29dv17 wrote
I love the squatty potty!
SnowSquawl t1_j29dzgd wrote
"They used handfuls of waded paper..."
Trumpcangosuckone t1_j29es26 wrote
How accommodating. Aerosol can for that much needed halftime huff, bath salts to wake them up before the hitchhike home to FL, and the 3 shells in case they're eco minded. You're a great host
Trumpcangosuckone t1_j29eznh wrote
You have your plumbus in working order I assume?
OffsetEye t1_j29fj3k wrote
3 shells lol. Take the tp out of the room!
Razeal_102 t1_j29flvb wrote
What is that at the foot of the toilet? And where did you get it?
lamsham69 t1_j29fmqa wrote
I don’t care where I live, I’m never ready for my in-laws
[deleted] t1_j29g49c wrote
suavesnail t1_j29g797 wrote
They are going to have so many questions
Ak47110 t1_j29g9jf wrote
This guy doesn't know how to use the 3 shells
_Silver_Engineer_ t1_j29gayw wrote
Can't poop until you straighten the sign!!!!!!!!!!!!
mkul316 t1_j29hkbg wrote
Why are the three seashells Florida specific? Everyone all over used them and they were in California, not Florida.
jacksonbarley t1_j29ht0z wrote
As a Floridian. I’m offended. We don’t all have seashells on our toilet tanks. Sometimes we put them in baskets near the sink or use them to frame a mirror.
Sarge8707 t1_j29hzag wrote
Can you believe he doesn't know how to use the 3 shells?
Independent_Lab_9853 t1_j29i08r wrote
That’s a Squatty Potty!
giceman715 t1_j29iec9 wrote
They came up got the bong
Mental-Aioli3372 t1_j29jiaq wrote
It's basically a lower-intestine-to-asshole alignment device
AbundantHypocrisy t1_j29jwk8 wrote
Not Colorado, there’s no weed in this picture
Cleverkid62 t1_j29k4k8 wrote
Nice setup, but your missing a “bathroom guest book”. Gotta let everyone who takes a dump in your house document it
beatboxxin t1_j29kxko wrote
Wait till he hears about the shear power of Taco Bell
90swasbest t1_j29lem0 wrote
Get that bidet attachment fam, save a fortune in paper.
-Tom- t1_j29mi9i wrote
How else would you wipe?
undercoverpupper t1_j29mrpd wrote
Jesus Christ
CombinationSuch8250 t1_j29ndts wrote
This is how to be a great host,
Hoseftheman t1_j29nr18 wrote
Bro you may be ready for them but the rest of us aint
zimshegee t1_j29owpt wrote
I’m not sure what the purple thing is,but on first glance I thought it was some sort of butt plug/sex toy which I thought was a very bold move on your part.
Joebear939 t1_j29sezs wrote
Frames crooked
JOHNYfivesALIVE t1_j29t96w wrote
Can you straighten the sign tho
JeremyThaFunkyPunk t1_j29tuuj wrote
True Floridamen wipe with live gators.
JeremyThaFunkyPunk t1_j29twz1 wrote
Not true, I can smell it.
JeremyThaFunkyPunk t1_j29tzvz wrote
They already have the three shells.
JeremyThaFunkyPunk t1_j29u76g wrote
It's just air freshener but I had the same thought at first (dildo though, that would be a true Florida man sized butt plug I guess).
SaNaMaN80 t1_j29ubl9 wrote
I thought that was a big purple rubber dong on the back.
jacksonbarley t1_j29v6hh wrote
Nothing less than ten feet long. The logistics and safety concerns are a nightmare, but damn does it look cool.
JeremyThaFunkyPunk t1_j29vaph wrote
Go Jaguars!
fauxbliviot t1_j29vlmj wrote
Lol, my over toilet sign says "welcome to the pooping nook"
WonderOrca t1_j29w2du wrote
I thought the purple spray was a dildo & was wondering what that had to do with Florida.
Texsys t1_j2a1e5k wrote
The royal throne awaits!
Itdidnt_trickle_down t1_j2a3lcf wrote
It says you are ready for anything.
Rielhawk t1_j2a3wv0 wrote
Holy shit, it's air freshener, not a purple dildo.
Excellent_Fee2252 t1_j2a59us wrote
kid-chino t1_j2a5vqj wrote
I had to scroll too far to find someone else who noticed this reference
[deleted] t1_j2abhn5 wrote
Prestigious-Ad-795 t1_j2ae6zw wrote
Thought the air freshener was a big purple dildo lol
lambeaufosho t1_j2agrh1 wrote
Ah the great franchise wars…
infernal_cacaphony t1_j2agyfv wrote
Those are the essenSHELLS… I’ll see myself out…
WALNUTSH2279 t1_j2ailt5 wrote
Looks like a townhouse. Im too in Colorado.
[deleted] t1_j2ak9oq wrote
FoggsHon t1_j2amzi1 wrote
I love the toilet stool
plastic_wrap t1_j2apkvu wrote
Where's the knife?
CatOfGrey t1_j2aubyk wrote
Missing a poop knife, because Reddit.
ValuableLemon6551 t1_j2ayb49 wrote
Like, what is the toilet paper even doing there?
HanMaBoogie t1_j2azvt1 wrote
But no poop knife.
Vadryna t1_j2b1tyo wrote
Is this for their political opinions?
nljgcj72317 t1_j2b2bdg wrote
You scoop.
[deleted] t1_j2b48ne wrote
[deleted] t1_j2bamoe wrote
[deleted] t1_j2basve wrote
[deleted] t1_j2baxzl wrote
Downrightregret t1_j2bbspe wrote
I thought the air freshener was.. uh.. something else
[deleted] t1_j2bcz6z wrote
LadyLu-ontheLake t1_j2bf38v wrote
Squatty Potty!!!! Life changing.
moleware OP t1_j2bpzrs wrote
I guess? I don't really know how that's applicable but if you can find a way this is political, go for it!
moleware OP t1_j2bq2bf wrote
It really helps for power pooping.
moleware OP t1_j2bq499 wrote
Single family structure. Got it back when I was still a software engineer. I feel like struck gold.
moleware OP t1_j2bq6f1 wrote
That's the second time I've heard that... It's just a regular febreze air freshener!
moleware OP t1_j2bq7q1 wrote
Why does everybody keeps saying that? It's just a regular febreze air freshener!
moleware OP t1_j2bqa3n wrote
I must be looking for dildos in all the wrong places...
moleware OP t1_j2bqcge wrote
I didn't even realize it was crooked until I took this picture. I did straighten it 👍
moleware OP t1_j2bqdcv wrote
Fixed it 👍
moleware OP t1_j2bqemz wrote
Reddit has its head sufficiently up the gutter today.
Prestigious-Ad-795 t1_j2bqiqx wrote
Haha I was like damn they are prepared.
moleware OP t1_j2bqjc4 wrote
Got one in the master bathroom. It was amazing to have when 2020 happened. We never even worried about toilet paper.
moleware OP t1_j2bqlgk wrote
Dueley noted! I'll be heading to the dollar store to pick one up tomorrow.
moleware OP t1_j2bqosd wrote
There's plenty of that in the basement, trust me 👍
moleware OP t1_j2bqqo3 wrote
I'm doing the best I can! I hope my mother-in-law finds this acceptable. In the meantime I will search for a basket...
moleware OP t1_j2bquz2 wrote
I don't have any In-laws in California.
moleware OP t1_j2bqvxh wrote
I'm sorry! I fixed it!
moleware OP t1_j2bqxft wrote
You're right. Who am I kidding?
moleware OP t1_j2bqzn6 wrote
It's called The squatty potty! I have one for every toilet. So I have three squatty potties for pleasant pooping no matter where I am!
Though to be honest I don't use the guest bathroom toilet because my roommates keep that clean and... Well they don't keep it clean.
moleware OP t1_j2br3yr wrote
Thank you, it feels good to be validated.
moleware OP t1_j2br4zv wrote
A pleasant poop for everyone!
moleware OP t1_j2br800 wrote
Been here 10 years, homeowners for five. I think we're doing just fine 👍
WALNUTSH2279 t1_j2bsjpm wrote
That's what I have too. In the Springs. Not a fan of townhouses, but that's all they're building here now.
FLAIR_2780166 t1_j2bsojg wrote
This man Poo-pourris!
Holdmypipe t1_j2bsq2c wrote
Ah nice the poop stool definitely helps with the BM’s.
_Silver_Engineer_ t1_j2bt2kb wrote
Johnnymi25 t1_j2bu4is wrote
It's a Demolition Man reference
banme5lol t1_j2bu9kd wrote
You can have that anywhere 😂
brickeldrums t1_j2c2e5m wrote
Where’s the poop knife? How dare you?
moleware OP t1_j2c2ykn wrote
Apprehensive-Act5273 t1_j2cd9j6 wrote
Where did the knife go??
ItsokImtheDr t1_j2cf813 wrote
What happened to the knife?
GrimReaper006 t1_j2chl25 wrote
Your poop knife is missing.
Soonermagic1953 t1_j2ci2tp wrote
I saw another post of the same pic and there was a poop knife. Mandela effect. Nope a repost with photoshop
Hasher556 t1_j2ckzhc wrote
"Check out 'caveperson' over here 😄!"
_B_Little_me t1_j2cljnm wrote
ahh_grasshopper t1_j2clkeo wrote For the uninitiated.
BlockOdd7613 t1_j2clyo8 wrote
Just saw this exact post on another thread but there was a knife on the toilet.
Mavrick9906_YT t1_j2cm4uz wrote
Sign’s crooked
Smirking_Turk t1_j2cogxr wrote
Yeah, what happened to the knife? Previous post Made me go down a whole, what is ‘poop knife’ rabbit hole lol. Now you repost with no knife?! I’m confused.
cspicy_ t1_j2cshst wrote
Our house has a “No Dumping Allowed” street sign in the same exact location.
moleware OP t1_j2cyjlj wrote
This was the first post. That's why the other one says (fixed) in the title.
moleware OP t1_j2cylqe wrote
I fixed it!
moleware OP t1_j2cyn1w wrote
This was the second post. The other one says (fixed) in the title.
moleware OP t1_j2cypjm wrote
You went back in time. This post is older than the other one.
moleware OP t1_j2cytfc wrote
I just came downstairs and noticed someone has removed the toilet paper...
moleware OP t1_j2cyw8f wrote
You went back in time. The post with the knife in it is newer than this post.
moleware OP t1_j2czn99 wrote
You're looking at the first post. Apparently the post you saw first was the second one.
Does nobody look at timestamps?
[deleted] t1_j2czqeh wrote
cr1ter t1_j2d0j4j wrote
Demolition man was set in 2032, we need to start on working on this.
FO-I-Am-A-Time-God t1_j2d1zq8 wrote
Me toooo!!!
Rielhawk t1_j2d2poy wrote
Well uhm
Creative_Gap2794 t1_j2d5o4v wrote
Mine would be, Please use Toilet Spray
zq-trk t1_j2dbnxx wrote
Wow, quick thinking with the shells! I have when I hate nothing to wipe with when there’s no toilet paper left
AdOriginal6110 t1_j2ddcgk wrote
Thank God I'm not the only one who thought that was a dildo
Apprehensive-Act5273 t1_j2drkqd wrote
Ah timey whimey, spacey stuff. That explains
Apricotdreams76 t1_j2fa65b wrote
OMG, I thought the aircreshner was a dildo!!
AutoModerator t1_j29aap9 wrote
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