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t1_j20cbjy wrote

I think this has been doctored. I see where December should be but instead it’s “DECEMMEH” to match the words with the dark circles. They did a really nice job making everything look uniform though.


t1_j20dg32 wrote

You're right. I also believe candy used to start where the "n" in Satan is and went diagonally down to the right. Presents goes down diagonally right from where the "a" in Satan is as well.

There are a few words in the guide that don't exist in the image but would if the circled words were different letters.


t1_j24ftz5 wrote

Fixing "candy", "presents" and "December" (all diagonally), all words in the guide appear in the image (Christmas is circled but not marked at the bottom, star is diagonally starting to the right of "haiL"). With these word fixes, "CONSUME" becomes "CDNSTBE" and "SATAN" becomes "SPTAC". "FLESH" becomes "FLESR".


t1_j20rbr6 wrote

It's so weird that someone would take the time to do this... not that funny even if it had actually happened by chance


t1_j21ploh wrote

Same with "presents". I can find "resen", but it crosses both "satan" and "consume".