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t1_j2bmcic wrote

Most people in Germany just call it an "Eierclacker", where "Eier" means "eggs", and "clack" is the sound that it makes when the metal ball hits the bottom of the metal rod to break the egg open. It also says "clack" on the box.

But "Eiersollbruchstellenverursacher" is funnier.


t1_j2cmd1o wrote

I'm German and I've never heard of "Eierclacker".


t1_j2d8cek wrote

Me neither. But if that’s a thing, it’s certainly spelled “Klacker” not “Clacker”.


t1_j2d8jph wrote

Interesting. Everyone I ever talked to in Germany calls it that. Everyone that I talked to about this specific thing, that is.

So what would you call it? Do you say Eierschalensollbruchstellenverursacher every time?