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t1_j6hiklx wrote

I'm sure he's super sorry for that Superbowl he won for y'all.


t1_j6hzof6 wrote

Bro facts man was the undeniable goat for years and now that he’s older people act like he’s always been dogshit.

I get the vibe he’s just crusing along, during the cowboys buccs game he legitimately looked like he wasn’t even trying and he was still playing better than most QB’s in the league


t1_j6iqpmv wrote

Well, it's kind of like Aaron Rodgers and Ben Roethlisberger. They might be great quarterbacks, and they still do impressive shit at their age, but they often become the adage: "either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain."

They'd just been around long enough that we got to know them too well.