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t1_j6wmk8k wrote

If you have need of such specific safety equipment, do not rely on a general consumer device, particularly one as fragile as an iPhone.


t1_j6yoems wrote

Millions of people in the US hike and camp in areas without cell service every year. Saying they should all pay hundreds of dollars a year for an inreach is ridiculous. They take cellphones with them anyway and somehow manage to not break them.


t1_j6yv96t wrote

No one is saying that everyone who hikes needs an inreach. But if someone has already decided that what they are doing requires them to have an inreach and they now own that inreach they shouldn't use an iPhone as a substitute.


t1_j72m8as wrote

First of all, it isn't even hundreds of dollars a year dude. Learn to look stuff up before commenting. Second, Apple will charge for the service and it will end up costing you a shit ton more to buy a close to $1000 phone in many scenarios on top of eventually having to pay around the exact same amount for Apple's subscription service.

You seem to think apple is forever free for this? My lord, be careful criticizing apple folks. Fanboys in full swing right now. Hate to break it to folks, but apple did nothing new technologically. People have been doing thus stuff for years. It's not even worth buying a new phone for tons of folks. Tons more won't even likely use at all. Them are the actual brakes. Calm the fanboyism down a notch It's okay.


t1_j6ysk4f wrote

>Millions of people in the US hike and camp in areas without cell service every year.

Many of whom shouldn't.

When things like the SPOT came out a bunch of people who had no business being in the back country went to the back country with the attitude of "and if I get into trouble I can press this 911 button". Then started pressing the button to order hot chocolate, because their trail guide was snoring, or because they started a six hour hike at 3pm in shorts and without water and then realized that they were smrt enough to have the insta 911 button.

> Saying they should all pay hundreds of dollars a year for an inreach is ridiculous.

PLBs require no subscription.


t1_j6wt3c6 wrote

What I was thinking. Really how often in an urban area will you need satellite sos service.