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TheHabeo t1_j75fgg9 wrote

I'm a commercial priting and packaging factory manager. We generally try to minimize 12h shifts but sometimes there are weeks where workers has to go full week 12h shifts Sunday included to make deadline. There are workers who by the end of the year had not used any of their paid day off.

Ofcourse as compensation for the strenuous working condition, they are allowed regular smoke brake with some regulation and we made sure there are enough operators always. And their incomes are considered pretty high by local standard.


ripperdoc23 t1_j75hfgk wrote

Yah, in my experience it was always sales overpromising that led to those long 12x7 shifts. "Oh yeah we can get that out easily in 2 days" that sort of shit. When you're making 10x what the average employee in the shop makes (that shop was still doing 10-15% commissions on $100k-500k or so jobs), you tend to be able to drag everyone else around by the dick. Stupid but that's how it was there.