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JoeSmithDiesAtTheEnd t1_j7nie19 wrote

I am sure you know what I meant and you're just being pedantic. But if not... The way that the dynamic island feature utilizes the entire upper portion of the screen is better than any previous implementation from Apple (even before the notch was first introduced). It's forced them to make the notifications and features at the top of the screen more useful. The sliver adds nothing, but the overall size of the cutout area when the dynamic island was introduced is a huge improvement over what they were doing before. It's just more aesthetically pleasing in day to day use than it was prior.


thisischemistry t1_j7nj6dt wrote

It's a clever way to try to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse, for sure. Personally, I think they should take the extra step of removing that sliver too. All it does is highlight that there's a hole in the display.