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RSomnambulist t1_j84q6lw wrote

The efficiency loss can get as low as 8% on the last comparisons I saw. That may be even lower now. Also means you can have a much slimmer, cooler laptop. I nearly went this route last laptop I bought, but I ended up finding a steal when walmart refreshed their laptops to the 2000 series.


MrAcurite t1_j84zae1 wrote

Interesting. I seem to recall losses as high as 40%, so 8% is an improvement. I'm still somewhat iffy about the usecases though, where laptop + eGPU beats both laptop with dGPU and laptop + desktop. I'm sure it's good for someone, though.


RSomnambulist t1_j86somw wrote

I think 8% was not with a thunderbolt 3/USBC, but a direct line into the mobo with a pci-e extender.

40% is extreme though. That may be for TB2. It is a weird edge case regardless.