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PARANOIAH t1_j83yy0t wrote

How is this surprising? Inflation, economic downturn and the fact that almost everyone who wanted a new PC would have already gotten something fairly recent during the last few years of the pandemic/WFH era.


xSwyftx t1_j844xor wrote

For a lot of people it is as basic as which do I want to do or upgrade my pc


2160dreams t1_j84tlzd wrote

Situation I'm in for sure. Food + housing + pet supplies come before a PC build, no matter how old my current desktop is.


[deleted] t1_j85fsog wrote



kwamby t1_j85jivz wrote

Just had to pay $600 just to put my dog down. Couldn’t even give my baby peaceful rest without shelling out


Omegalazarus t1_j85t6w9 wrote

Damn that the has gone way way up since I last needed it.


FSMFan_2pt0 t1_j8621ft wrote

Eh, that price is high, IMO. We put our dog down in 2021 and it was $270, and that included cremation and a fancy wooden memorial box for the ashes, and his name engraved on it.


Omegalazarus t1_j862aks wrote

Oh I was thinking just for the shot. Okay all the other stuff too. We never did funerary type stuff.

Edit: Sorry you had to do that


kwamby t1_j86gi2q wrote

Cremation was only $150. But still $450 for an easy death is a ton


Raiden115X t1_j87kd7r wrote

The place I had to take my dog to wanted an extra $150 just for me to be in the room with her when they did it. I couldn't afford it. Assholes.


DizzyCommunication92 t1_j86g9n2 wrote

I don’t buy into that ashes stuff…our landfill uses fire anyways. The memories never die


Stock_Regular8696 t1_j87mlle wrote

Would you throw your own mother into the landfill? Just memories, right.


MarkyDeSade t1_j87sq4o wrote

After reading so much about crazy scalper GPU prices in the past few years I’ve just gotten used to the idea that I can’t afford a new one so I’m more psychologically equipped to just stick with what I’ve got until it dies. I can’t be the only one who feels like that.


braveNewWorldView t1_j87a2db wrote

Somewhat divergent opinion from my personal experience. The scarcity caused by first cryptominers than the pandemic took a lot of joy out of the PC building experience for me. It stopped being the fun experience of optimizing to performance but instead was a rush to get a complete set, even if it were subpar. Eventually found a next gen console at a good price to wait things out and, damn if I don't love the monthy game pass. Miss the keyboard and mouse but getting used to the controller. Thinking of getting a Steam deck to clear my steam backlog and take a step back into PC Gaming. Though really enjoying this monthly pass and haven't felt the urge.


cad216 t1_j87ur9w wrote

If you have an Xbox: There is a game pass for Windows, which you can access with your same Microsoft account that’s tied to the Xbox. Tons of PC exclusive games on there, my go-to when I’m in a gaming rut is AoE 2


MosesZD t1_j89kk9a wrote

It's more than that. Technology advances on a sigmoid curve until there's an entirely new breakthrough and we're at the low-growth end of that curve after going through the high-growth.

Now, it's much more static mature market with mere incremental changes. And while it may be a shock to the tech-manufactures, in these mature-technology markets sales will fluctuate with far more with the economy instead of the tech-driven replace rate that we went through during the 90s and 00s.

And I'm a great example of it. From 1988 through about 2008 I had to replace/upgrade my work and personal computers every two years to keep up with the changes in programs that got more powerful (or just bloated) to take advantage of all the power increases.

Now I get a new computer every 7 years on average. I got my first i7-based computer in 2009. I'm now on my third i-7 that I bought just 3 months ago. That's about 7-years a PC now. Not two.


Tshoe77 t1_j8aiwic wrote

Woah you mean that after record sales of something you don't need to buy every year that there might be a downturn?

That's fuckin crazy.


xSwyftx t1_j844z97 wrote

For a lot of people it is as basic as which do I want to do or upgrade my pc


AnBearna t1_j841lvt wrote

The fact that people are forced into smaller and smaller apartments these days is a factor as well. There isn’t the space to have 4 big box machines for your home lab, so you buy cloud storage and a couple NUC’s instead.


Strais t1_j847mmg wrote

Is that a problem for literally anyone cause it sounds made up on the spot.


AnBearna t1_j889173 wrote

I pay over a grand a month in Dublin for a box bedroom in a house with 3 others. No, I am not an outlier, no I cannot magic more space for my homelab. It’s NUC’s/Pi’s, or nothing.

This is a common problem in Ireland. Too many people in Dublin, and the houses/apartments are small.


itb206 t1_j84ienf wrote

Clearly you don't live in NYC or SF, where even if you wanted to be a tech enthusiast unless you're shelling out 4+ grand every month you won't have the space.


Strais t1_j855vgj wrote

No big cities suck and suburbs suck worse. Go find a better place to live (rent of a full size 2+ bed detached house for less than $500 a month) with some country or mountains around you. Quit trying to keep up with the Joneses it’s not built to be possible.


[deleted] t1_j85684i wrote



Strais t1_j857ii9 wrote

Who are you? Some loser with way to much misplaced personal confidence. You come off like a toddler on a tantrum telling others about doing their mom last night lol.


argv_minus_one t1_j8657z8 wrote

Then how do you get non-horrible Internet access? They don't run fiber out there. They barely even run cell service out there.


argv_minus_one t1_j84wou1 wrote

Reddit: “Is [lack of space in your tiny apartment] a problem for literally anyone cause it sounds made up on the spot.”

Also Reddit: “Fuck cars! Fuck houses! Everyone except the rich should live in high-density housing, own nothing, walk to work, and be happy about it!”


HiCanIPetYourCat t1_j84x5nl wrote

It’s almost like there’s no such thing as Reddit and every single account here is an individual with different opinions


AnBearna t1_j889a9i wrote

But that’s not true entirely. There’s echo chambers on Reddit as much as their is on FB or Twitter, and there’s a reason why people occasionally use the term ‘Reddit Hive Mind’.