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magicMikeeee95 t1_j8ayhb1 wrote

Oh... oh man, buddy... let's sit down for a minute and talk. Are you looking around at everybody's hands? See how they have two thumbs? And here your hands are and only one thumb. You're... you're missing a thumb, man. Most people have two. It's pretty normal, actually. It's not really a big deal, but I feel like you should know. I hear they make prosthetics with spikes and stuff now, so it could really be more of an upgrade. /s


[deleted] t1_j8azl1b wrote



magicMikeeee95 t1_j8b1anc wrote

It was a joke we did with our amputee friend, but okay...

Does angrily typing away on the internet make you feel good or something? That's really not good for your heart rate and I'm sure you can do more constructive things


pressNjustthen t1_j8b225g wrote

Haha I would’ve thought the same about you! I’m fine, thanks for the concern though. I simply failed to see the joke.


magicMikeeee95 t1_j8b277r wrote

Fair enough. I'll add the "/s" lol. Safe internet travels


pressNjustthen t1_j8b2r7c wrote

To you as well.

P.S. I’m on mobile, so no kind of typing makes me feel good lol


magicMikeeee95 t1_j8b4j01 wrote

Big hands and a Samsung over here. My autocorrect stays busy for sure