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GENOCIDUS_REX t1_j8syw61 wrote

And no executives knew anything about the mixup. No one approved this, it just happened.


fuzzywinkerbean t1_j8tgxxf wrote

You'd be surprised how little executives know about the business going on below them, they just like seeing profits. I honestly don't think this was malice or Anker/eufy thinking they could hide it from people forever, it was an oversight. Oversight doesn't mean it is ok though at all! These sorts of things should be avoided and corrected when pointed out for sure. I just don't really see the benefit they would gain from knowingly lying about it.


GENOCIDUS_REX t1_j8tmzsi wrote

Someone fucked up in an egregious way. While shit rolls downhill, I believe the ultimate accountability lies with the executive product owners who allowed this defective product to be marketed this way.

Whether or not they knew is immaterial, they should have known.


fuzzywinkerbean t1_j8tx5xs wrote

Oh we are completely in agreement trust me. They definitely fucked up. Fucking up with people's data is massive, let alone personal CCTV footage.

I was just saying I don't think the management at Anker decreed "we must store this data secretly for our own purposes and never tell anyone! Muahahaah" like some people seem to think about this news.

Management are ultimately responsible for this oversight and someone below didn't do things right for sure. It is just Hanlon's razor laid out by a large corporate.


detectiveDollar t1_j8xbool wrote

I agree with that, I think the other commenter meant that this isn't some NSA-style deliberate spying on the part of Anker/Eufy. Some have framed it that way, as if Anker/Eufy is going to put a secret camera and wifi transmitter into a power bank.