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jimmyco2008 t1_ja1q0kh wrote

Your phone constantly getting alerts because there are 5 AirTags on your truck in various packages


kamekaze1024 t1_ja1vmfj wrote

That really doesn’t seem like an issue. It’s a mild inconvenience to one worker that benefits and reassures countless other people of the whereabouts of their belongings


elPocket t1_ja70yd4 wrote

So what you're saying is, its fine for a worker to be surveilled and harassed by customers?

Where do you work? How would you react if customers surveilled your every move and harrassed you because you took a leak or got a coffee instead of dedicating your every second to their task?

Yes, there are shitty moving companies. But oh my god, are there shitty customers!


2beatenup t1_ja1wco4 wrote

Tin foil is cheap


MySonHas2BrokenArms t1_ja26o2a wrote

You gonna wrap the whole truck or just your own iPhone?


AnonPenguins t1_ja3r7k0 wrote

You'll ping someone in traffic, so the entire vehicle is necessary.


elPocket t1_ja713xg wrote

Just EMP the whole freight compartment. Might zap a PS5 or a TV, but hey, thats what insurance is for.