thebigfab t1_jacxz65 wrote
I am curious to try this out and would like to get my blood checked. How much would this cost?
SometimesILieToo t1_jad0umi wrote
I heard this one before! Theranos vibes.
AlbinoShavedGorilla t1_jad0wka wrote
I feel like if the cancer is already in the bloodstream it might be too late by then. But I’m not doctor
nintendo-huy t1_jad6a91 wrote
Elizabeth Holmes has just entered the chat
[deleted] t1_jad6wcm wrote
captainmcfuckface t1_jad75fo wrote
I was thinking the opposite. that trace amounts of cancer are always happening in the body and being told to kill themselves by the immune system.
And if a device is sensitive enough to detect cancer in these ways, we suddenly end up with a 100% cancer rate and a lot of needless stress.
Ironically making real cancer rates higher
Sweaty-Feedback-1482 t1_jad9q27 wrote
[speaking in a suspiciously fake bass voice] No… this is actually a revolution of modern science. The future is now!
Ed3030 t1_jadcr13 wrote
The downside is the tests need 8 pints of blood to get accurate results.
Quack68 t1_jade7m5 wrote
Wasn’t this a Netflix movie?
[deleted] t1_jadgl07 wrote
DataDrivenOrgasm t1_jadgwdy wrote
The cancer cell needs to be circulating and viable for this assay to work. They isolate individual cells from the blood and culture them to determine if any are cancerous. This is not a sensitive assay; far from it. They can shift through a little over 10,000 cells per assay. But blood has over 10 billion blood cells per ml. The cancer cells would need to be at level greater than 1 million per ml to be detected reliably.
captainmcfuckface t1_jadi80u wrote
ok, but still…
Japan almost never worries about cancer screening without a symptom and they have a longer life expectancy.
Personally, I think all the fear mongering over cancer is worse for us as a whole.
stillfumbling t1_jadkmj7 wrote
I highly suspect that is correlation not causation.
Japanese diets (and activity levels??) are significantly different that in the US.
notjordansime t1_jadkq6p wrote
comes across like this lmao
Fun-Rice-9438 t1_jadkzah wrote
Theres a lot of active research in this area, but yes they don’t mention any form of capture efficacy rate; so remains to be demonstrated
Kossef t1_jadnhtf wrote
I seriously thought that was a ariel view of a
Botsworth1985 t1_jadp6ty wrote
I'm guessing like 25 Schmeckles.
ThePoisonEevee t1_jadspcm wrote
Does it work? I’d like to read more about that.
[deleted] t1_jadt6ur wrote
captainmcfuckface t1_jadwkw4 wrote
someone’s never been to Japan. Their cancer rate is actually higher than the US and survival rate is lower. Our obsession with screening DOES save lives. Don’t get me wrong.
As far as diet goes, no. They eat a LOT of fried foods, beer, and cakes.
The main difference it walking. Transit vs cars, stairs vs elevators, and of course universal healthcare, are all part of better health. But Japan is often referred to as “the smoker’s paradise.”
CantStopMeReddit4 t1_jae1fsz wrote
Ok but you’re conflating a bunch of different stats here and not really making a cogent argument. You cite longer Japanese life expectancy (which is a general statistic not specific to cancer) while then citing how they don’t screen until there’s a symptom and that their survival rate is lower. There’s not really a clear point that you’re making as a result.
If their survival rate with cancer is lower then it would seem to behoove them to screen for cancer earlier via methods like the one in the article and you might have better cancer survival rates by catching things much quicker.
stillfumbling t1_jae4ttz wrote
Agreed. I have no idea what we just read.
If they screen less for cancer and have lower survival rates, that may suggest that more robust screening is good.
If diets are similar (I still don’t buy it, there’s also the issue of quantity, and additives etc…) and life expectancy is longer, maybe activity level and obesity are likely culprits.
No coherent point above though…
millershanks t1_jae5wij wrote
It‘s actually not too late at that point and usually way earlier than detecting a tumor. The problem so far has always been, and it doesn‘t seem so different with this device, that it‘s all right to know there is cancer in your body, but which type of cancer and where? Only a very few, less than a handful IIRC of cancer types can be correctly diagnosed by this method.
ruylopez03 t1_jae6pjl wrote
CTC tech has been around since 2009. Cfdna from blood is better, but you still need a biopsy to compare to. This is a dumb headline.
boyz_for_now t1_jaebhzl wrote
LOL my thoughts exactly!!!
JustALilDepressed t1_jaebouz wrote
Big Pharma wants to know their location!
boyz_for_now t1_jaebpta wrote
How much is that compared to the cost of a plumbus?
randyy308 t1_jaectw5 wrote
The idea is to be able to do an annual blood panel and then see if somebody needs to have a confirmatory biopsy. You might not see the need for the biopsy until 18 or 24 months for example. If it works even a decent amount of time then it's great.
[deleted] t1_jaeeztq wrote
mollyboise t1_jaeji6w wrote
We’re not that far off. The Galleri test isn’t FDA approved yet, but is showing positive/encouraging results.
MachineCode86 t1_jaejiw1 wrote
Where do they expect a person to find 25 penises?
captainmcfuckface t1_jaenc5x wrote
the point being stress is bad for you?
narkybark t1_jaeqfn2 wrote
Pretty decent detection rates on a lot of various cancers. Costs about a grand. Makes me think about doing it
sakmaidic t1_jaer70w wrote
yeah...i'll believe it when i see it
sakmaidic t1_jaereqv wrote
yeah, but early detection usually means better outcome
edoreinn t1_jaf24ka wrote
Came here to say “I’ve heard this one before..”
[deleted] t1_jacv6v1 wrote