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jjj49er t1_jc1sech wrote

Sweet! A new way for Amazon to keep tabs on my every move.


CN2498T t1_jc3yieg wrote

Yup, I see your license plates in the driveway, now see you in front of stores and other house, and soon on roads. This is getting scary.


remembersomeone t1_jc0i45n wrote

I’ve been using Nexar for years. Continuous recording locally to my device during my drive. I don’t think I’ll be making the switch to pay for a subscription. I guess maybe I’ll miss the car thief, but that’s what insurance is for — which is a subscription I already pay for.


Tom_Jack_Attack t1_jc15oom wrote

Except a camera is likely a preventative measure whereas insurance is for when your car has actually been stolen.


remembersomeone t1_jc1qnkl wrote

If someone really wants my vehicle they don’t care about the camera. It’s not preventative because they’ll probably destroy the camera before it has a chance to upload to the cloud.

Have you seen any of the videos of people parking their nicer vehicle in a sketchy area? They leave the car unlocked and sometimes even leave the windows down.


SuddenlyElga t1_jcorxyj wrote

So far the vast majority of videos I’ve seen are the documenting of the event. I have yet to see one actually preventing anything.


bored123abc t1_jc1zsua wrote

I’ll pass on privacy deficient platforms.


JamimaPanAm t1_jc501y3 wrote

Not my video security ecosystem 🤙