
remembersomeone t1_jcllhnd wrote

There’s plenty of supporting evidence for this. When you come home from work you run errands for the next day, do housework and maybe get an hour or so to relax before bed. Gotta go to bed early since work is early the next day. Gets even more complicated if you’re someone who has family to take care of with extracurricular activities or someone who is aging.

It’s just… work, get ready for work the next day, repeat. Until the weekend, where you catch up on personal chores you couldn’t do during the week — if you’re lucky enough to not work weekends.

It’s exhausting.


remembersomeone t1_jclh4fi wrote


remembersomeone t1_jcirwum wrote

MV-402 is the form number. It gives you a medical exemption. Your doctor fills out the bottom portion and signs — usually it’s related to eyes so you’d be seeing an optometrist or something similar.


remembersomeone t1_jciriff wrote

I don’t understand. There was literally a petition among students (started by the school) going around to grant the school more funding. They even posted an article:

Looks like it did get a proposed increase. Not quite as much as they asked, but still something.


remembersomeone t1_jciqzfs wrote

I see you got the answer to your question, and you’ll probably be dealing with a “fix-it” ticket. However, if you can get a doctor’s note as to why you need tint, they can’t make you take it off in the future.

All of my vehicles are tinted. Privacy and heat resistance (if you use a proper film, not the cheap stuff) is pretty nice for summer. However, I’m legally allowed to have tint thanks to less than stellar eyesight. Helps block out the sun and drivers who installed ridiculously bright headlights. It makes driving much easier. The DMV/ DOT is aware, too.

This is just food for thought if you think your situation would warrant tint. If you just want it for personal reasons, be prepared to get annoyed by LE.


remembersomeone t1_jc1qnkl wrote

If someone really wants my vehicle they don’t care about the camera. It’s not preventative because they’ll probably destroy the camera before it has a chance to upload to the cloud.

Have you seen any of the videos of people parking their nicer vehicle in a sketchy area? They leave the car unlocked and sometimes even leave the windows down.


remembersomeone t1_j9k9gn4 wrote

I haven’t done an ATV title recently. All titles go to the same place though.

I needed to replace the title for a vehicle I was selling. Filed for it in August ‘22 and got it right at the end of November ‘22. So like 3, almost 4, months turn around time.

AFAIK, there’s no way to make it faster… but if you’ve been waiting since March? Yeah, I don’t think he’s selling it.