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pressedbread t1_jcdw5fc wrote

Eventually the entire Earth sky will just be one giant Amazon drone factory, and also they will control a monopoly on daylight until the Future Far Left forces of Antifa 2.0 and the Future Far Right forces of Cop Lives Matter Inc. put aside their longstanding feud in order to fight! For the light!


soysssauce t1_jcdygms wrote

This method isn’t cost effective compared to current Amazon model or else it would have been implement already


Svenskensmat t1_jcfeyvy wrote

I have a feeling drones will be banned very quickly once people realise the insane noise pollution that will follow.


TheQuarantinian t1_jcp6z8p wrote

I was at poverty point, probably the only time in my life I'll ever go there. I was trying to take it all in, but some twit was filling the sky with rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr to shoot a video he'll probably never watch.


nightofgrim t1_jcqg0xb wrote

These particular ones are very quiet. Check out the funky blade design.


EnvironmentalValue18 t1_jchsav4 wrote

Which is funny because my workplace handles a ton of Amazon orders (they’re a client) and none of them are even remotely what I would consider “cost effective”. I would expound but I’m afraid of the all-seeing eyes of Amazon tracking me down. Suffice to say, they throw money away en masse through 75% incompetency and 25% poor money management.


TheDudeintheNorth t1_jcfq99f wrote

Jeff Bezos is bound at Shayol Ghul, bound by the Creator at the moment of creation.


chilloutdamnit t1_jcf33zr wrote

Hey maybe be a little grateful that billionaire bad boy bezos saved the earth from global warming with his bot swarm.


pressedbread t1_jcf5irg wrote

How appropriate that his rocket ship is phallus shaped!


seweso t1_jcf7myh wrote

Trains are always gonna be more efficient. Just imagine a town with a cute small railway going to every house <3