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fakecore t1_jcjv3ng wrote

I hope you realize almost if not every phone manufacturer uses child labor.

This childish Apple vs Google/Android/Microsoft mentality doesn't help anyone.


redldr1 t1_jck22no wrote

The difference is, Apple goes out there and says they don't use child labor. For two and a half years now, they have been found to be lying.


redldr1 t1_jckne11 wrote

Only Apple has gone out of its way to say they are child labor free, and yet for three years they were told about the cobalt mines.

But, you can defend your cult, it's like fox news. Facts don't matter, you can't educate stupid.


fakecore t1_jcld36x wrote

I'm just tired of constantly having to read these edgy shit takes.

"Defend your cult" give me a break. I'm not defending anything and if you would read you'd see that. Every company involved in child labor is awful, including Apple.

Just because Apple claims they are child labor free (which btw I'm not even sure if they claim they are, would be helpful if you'd provide a source) doesn't make everyone else less bad for doing it.

And the comparison with alt-right fox news is just offensive lol. But hey, free karma.

Simping for any company that does horrible stuff is dumb. That's simping for Apple, but also just as much simping for Google.