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fdot1234 t1_irp1wlv wrote

Maybe they could do it like snoozing app notifications: “Silence for 1 hour/6 hours/end of day/etc”


duderguy91 t1_irp4qdf wrote

I like this idea. Should be an official feature request!


Insufferably_Me t1_irpo54f wrote

I’d even go for something as simple as “Turn off crash detection until I leave this location”


runtothehillsboy t1_irq0cv6 wrote

>I’d even go for something as simple as “Turn off crash detection until I leave this location”

That's way more complicated that a simple silence timeout.


thisischemistry t1_irrhgby wrote

It isn’t, really. That system is built-in to the automations on the iPhone. All they’d need to do is expose the setting and make it available to be used in an automation.