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saltineofmydream t1_is6wc91 wrote


alloverthefloor t1_is74pxb wrote

Who is he o.0?


saltineofmydream t1_is75vt7 wrote

kevin o'leary, a canadian tech entrepreneur who made his fortune on a good bet or two before the .com bubble burst. he is (in my opinion) not a savvy investor or good human being.


imelliam t1_is7glk1 wrote

He's obviously an ass, no idea if he's a good investor


milehighideas t1_is7mh6r wrote

He’s made a lot of real shit deals after the first two, but once you’ve got billions I guess you’re a good investor


ErikRogers t1_isfbekm wrote

It is my understanding that he is not actually a billionaire, just a milllionaire posing as one.


bitcoins t1_is8mook wrote

Chatted with him when bitcoin was over $500 in person, he didn’t understand or want to know more about fake money… today he is all about it