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SigmaLance t1_ittvd4e wrote

“ Whereas Starlink for stationary vehicles costs $599 for the standard satellite dish, the RV-in-motion service requires a flat high-performance Starlink dish costing $2,500. The monthly fee comes in at $135. “

I’m curious as to why there is a cost difference for monthly service between a stationary object vs a moving object…

I understand the hardware fee, but what is the difference in service costs beyond that?


whoisrich t1_ittxy09 wrote

Technically it probably has to do with capacity planning, so you have one sat overhead that can serve X number of people, so you sell that number of dishes to that area. With people moving, you have to leave X number of spots unsold as a buffer for people driving into an area or degrade everyone's service.

I believe this has already been a problem with people buying a dish in an available area only to use it in an area that is 'sold out'.

Also it's another opportunity to make more money.


benfranklyblog t1_itub34z wrote

The RV service can be activated month to month, so you only need to pay when you’re traveling.


Cman75 t1_ituhhbb wrote

We pay $135/month for the rv service. Only cost difference is hardware...which is a lot.


uncoolcat t1_ituobdh wrote

The RV dish is currently the same one as the residential dish, and costs $599. The only $2500 dish that's currently available is the "business" version. I'm guessing the $2500 "RV" dish is the upcoming one that can work while moving. The price difference is $20 a month, but RV users are first to get throttled if there's insufficient capacity in a given area.


Cman75 t1_itv5pxd wrote

My mistake, I misunderstood the question to be between the current rv service and the new in-motion service. So yes, there is a monthly cost difference between stationary and current rv service ($110/$135) and yes, we're the first to get THROTTLED in higher usage areas. Also, if there is anything (leaf, tree branch, telephone pole) even in the peripheral view of dishy with an otherwise wide open view of NNW skies, signal will drop every 40-60 seconds (called a "disruption") and sometimes sooner. It's great when it's great, and rip it out and toss it in the trash frustrating when it's not.


uncoolcat t1_itul8qf wrote

According to Starlink's website the RV dish costs $599, which is the same cost as the residential dish. As far as I know, the residential dish can be used with the RV plan and vice versa, because it's the same hardware.

Currently the only $2500 dish available is for the "business" plan. Starlink will be offering a new RV dish that can be used while in transit, which I suspect is where the $2500 number is coming from. The current $599 hardware should still work, albeit while stationary.


blue-ocean-event t1_itv8x4r wrote

This is a huge deal for those of us who boondock for weeks deep in the natl forests


SigmaLance t1_itwlttx wrote

I am on a boat most of the year so I totally get it 👍

I just wasn’t aware that they charged more for the RV service than they do for the home service.