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Orcwin t1_iv86lvy wrote

No. It will be able to see which devices are connected, not where in the house those devices are. The concept from the article has multiple radios, and can therefore do triangulation of the received signals.


Whatdafuqisgoingon t1_iv8ry3x wrote

Using the drones WiFi to call out to your devices and their responses include distance. all a drone would need to do is do fly the perimeter of your house making multiple callouts and then it would be able to make a fairly accurate guess where everything is based on all the TOF calls.

Your router is capable of the same thing but it doesn't tend to move. Wifi triangulation happens in lots of places. Casinos and even in big box public stores like Walmart and Target. They aren't using drones to track you, instead use their multiple antenna's to see which area's of the store you visit.


Emu1981 t1_iv9bde6 wrote

>The concept from the article has multiple radios, and can therefore do triangulation of the received signals.

It depends on how accurate of a fix you want. I have a old router that could do fairly accurate Wi-Fi triangulation but the accuracy decreased as the RF clutter increased (e.g. walls between the router and the device).