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SmashingK t1_ivq6apw wrote

The size isn't down to putting off miners though. If it was the partners producing cards would be using smaller heatsinks but they're forced to use massive ones because of the power draw and heat output.

Though I suppose it's possible that Nvidia have forced them to use larger heatsinks though. They're not known for treating partners well hence the EVGA situation.


kadinshino t1_ivq6rv2 wrote

oh size is a huge off put. maybe not to the hobby mining or home miner. But let me tell you when you have 100+ adds up very fast. and with dual and triple slot cards and now quadslot..... I'm good.

also, miners don't push the OCs on these cards. we power limit them to a bare minimum.

the reason why partner cards were so much more popular was that it was easier to adapt to the normal 6 or 8pin we had been using forever..

Serious miners tried to dump their FE cards asap. Poor cooling poor performance.

This is in part why the CMP cards were developed. High power amper chips in a dual-slot design.