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Professional_Emu3041 t1_iwk3gvv wrote

Wow, so it’s an SP with less functionality and games!


randomator5000 t1_iwlp1kj wrote

Ok, but hear me out, it’s got a hinge, what more could you ask for


elementfx2000 t1_iwock9s wrote

You know what the SP was, right?

IMO the built-in backlight was the killer feature of the SP. The hinge was just a bonus.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_iwpj2n2 wrote

Yep, it was pretty exciting not to have the wiggly-light that sucked 3/4 of your battery compared to actually you know, playing games. People also don't realize how having a rechargeable battery changed things as well. Batteries were/are expensive, parents having to hand them out a few times a week really added up. Not having to constantly replace them and carry extras with you (plus being able to just plug into the wall whenever) was a HUGE thing at the time.


[deleted] t1_iwkunmy wrote



LemonDesu t1_iwkw4eu wrote

If you bother to actually read the article it was just a joke that ended up being made reality. It’s not supposed to be good, it was just a fun “What if we could” project.


Tomnnn t1_iwlca77 wrote

I think it's a cool idea but it's technically worse for me. I don't know if I am cursed or something but any clamshell devices in my position eventually break :(


Remy252 t1_iwle8r6 wrote

Good thing it’s only a hobbyist thing and he made it for himself, now you don’t have to worry about breaking it.


Tomnnn t1_iwlltii wrote

Idk what it is. Laptop hinges eventually become rigid and squeaky. I think my Gameboy SP snapped one hinge. Is it possible to be too gentle with clamshell hinges causing them to become brittle?

> now you don’t have to worry about breaking it.

Oh but I do! It's Reddit and I see a discussion, or rather a whole post, about a device modified to be a clamshell. So it is entirely relevant and contributes to the discussion to share my experience with such designs. To each their own, on disagreements and clamshell preferences.

There's no shortage of that discussion to be had. Have you seen foldable smart screens now? The world's going mad


[deleted] t1_iwkz9gz wrote



Detectorbloke t1_iwlcrrp wrote

Not without them sticking out at the bottom. This is clearly the superior design, as the cartridges fit in right.


Cryptocaned t1_iwl00vf wrote

With added nostalgia, the Gameboy pocket clear edition was my first interaction into gaming, my mum bought it for me for my 8th birthday.


lousmer t1_iwlakip wrote

Got the red pocket w a blue gameboy camera for my bday. Still have the camera, it’s like a little digital Time capsule


asdaaaaaaaa t1_iwpj7iy wrote

I got the yellow pocket, along with pokemon IIRC. The yellow pocket with the Pokemon Yellow Edition looked pretty cool.


Hasky620 t1_iwlvzp9 wrote

Right but it'd be infinitely better to take the case of the clear pocket and put the other hardware in it instead of adding the hinge to the worse machine


asdaaaaaaaa t1_iwpj9k5 wrote

There's some people who've done that IIRC. Shucked the GBC/GBP and just threw in other hardware and emulated.