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PansexualEmoSwan t1_ixawzad wrote

This information brought to you by: macworld


unpeople t1_ixb4jwu wrote

MacWorld is one of the biggest sites on the web for Apple news, so this shouldn't come as a shock. The study was done by Ookla, which has no affiliation with Apple or MacWorld.


tcwillis79 t1_ixg5wrb wrote

Still weird. Apple isn’t doesn’t make the modems and I don’t recall any of the tear downs mentioning anything remarkable about their choice. Maybe good antennas or something.


unpeople t1_ixgsq21 wrote

Yeah, the article says that Apple is using the same Snapdragon modem that most current Android models are using. I couldn't tell you why the iPhones are faster, but Apple has historically been able to wring a lot of juice out of their devices. iOS needs and uses less RAM than Android, for example, and iOS has had low-latency MIDI for a decade or more, while many Android devices still struggle with it. But, who knows? Also, this speed test was only conducted in the U.S. and the U.K., so it's not necessarily the case that iPhones are faster at 5G everywhere.


Biffingston t1_ixb6n6y wrote

But at what point does it even matter that you have the fastest/"Best" anything?

For example, if your car can do 200 MPH does it really matter if someone else's can do 210?

Both examples are under ideal conditions anyway, I'm sure.


unpeople t1_ixb7vyh wrote

You're complaining to the wrong person, I just pointed out who conducted the study.


pfotozlp3 t1_ixbk33d wrote

For network bandwidth YES IT DOES MATTER. I can use the “210 mph” to its fullest on a daily, constant basis. I can’t with an automobile, that will only make my junk bigger than yours.


Haccordian t1_ixbxunp wrote

But I need you to know my junk is bigger than yours.


schmaydog82 t1_ixb8f80 wrote

It doesn't really matter but people are interested in/talk about lots of things that don't matter


Biffingston t1_ixbgqjz wrote

it's gonad measurement at a certain point. I mean can the average person goong to be able to tell the difference between 4K and whatever format is going to come next?


schmaydog82 t1_ixbhi76 wrote

I mean for people who are into tech it’s still somewhat interesting, even as a quick “oh neat”


wolbeas t1_ixbsjl1 wrote

It matters when Android phone makers ask you thousands of dollar while giving you less than your money's worth.

It's not about having the best, it's about having what you paid for


Skylantech t1_ixcxpbe wrote

The real world macdaddy of all things Android.


justthisones t1_ixb78xi wrote

Tuned in just to see the guaranteed Apple shit on comments since it can never do anything better than Android and when it actually does, it never matters. Predictable but always funny to witness.


the_cardfather t1_ixbbsf7 wrote

Won't keep the Apple fanboys from spending another $1,300 on it. I actually turned 5G off on my phone because there is a huge carrier dead spot right near my house that I have to drive through almost every day. It's really embarrassing, especially when you pay as much money to a carrier that rhymes with horizon. I'm told there are a lot of major carriers that are actually setting up 5G towers that are connected to anything, so it tricks your phone into thinking that it has service when in actuality. It's like your modem was unplugged but your router was still on.


LoveArguingPolitics t1_ixbca03 wrote

Same here, big huge Dead spot in my neighborhood, can't even play music or load a basic website for about four or five miles but i have about 1/2 bars of 5g supposedly


wesome316 t1_ixbji3v wrote

I wish 5g was never a thing, my mobile internet is consistently way less reliable than just having 4g everywhere. Who cares about speed when you have no signal?


iSkyal t1_ixc0ydk wrote

You can downgrade to 4g in the settings


Skylantech t1_ixcy3gc wrote

I dunno about the 5G hype…. I’ve had a couple of 5G phones now and it seems like the speeds are about the same if not….. slower?

Sure speed tests reveal some promising results, but the time it takes to load webpages or videos is disgustingly longer than it should be.

Maybe thats just Verizon for you 🤷‍♂️


anyqueztions t1_ixdt057 wrote

I thought this was pretty interesting, for a 10mim video. Explains how all the cell companies overhyped 5G and ultimately under-delivered.


Skylantech t1_ixecsq5 wrote

Super interesting.

So in short: All those people who thought that Bill Gates was putting microchips in the COVID vaccines which would be triggered by 5G have a somewhat large part to blame in lack of 5G. That and the huawei ban.


notahackerpirate t1_ixhsadr wrote

These tests were done at home. I’m super happy with Visible 5G Ultrawideband on their $45/mo plan.

1.4 Gbps? 866 Mbps? Far better than anything I got on 4G.

This is with my iPhone 13 Pro.

Fortunately, I live in a city so coverage is really, really good here.


Skylantech t1_ixhtt74 wrote

My wife and I are in the suburbs, we previously had Visible and had no complaints about the price. But the speeds were atrocious, it always took forever for anything to load.

This was a couple years back when we both had iPhone 11's. I think anything having to do with Verizon may just be poor in this area. I'm still on Verizon and the wife is on AT&T. She no longer complains about speed issues. I now have an iPhone 14 Pro, she has the 13 ProMax.


notahackerpirate t1_ixhvr1p wrote

I also used an iPhone 11 on Visible! For two years from Dec 2019 to Dec 2021. It was the only network that had service in my old house, far from the city. Both ATT and Tmobile had no service at that house.

Speeds were 3-40 Mbps. And unusable in congested areas due to the deprioritization. That was on the old Visible network though at $25/mo. Now I’m on the new $45/mo Visible plan with of course a newer phone. The 11 didn’t have 5G, which was the main reason I upgraded.

Of course, moving to the city really changed things for my mobile data speeds.

Why be on Verizon and AT&T when you could be on the cheaper MVNOs? Visible has a $30/mo plan that doesn’t have the 5G UW. It only has regular 5G and 4G of course. If you disable 5G due to your location, may as well be on a super cheap plan.


Skylantech t1_ixi5ec6 wrote

My employer pays for my Verizon plan so no phone bill for me :)

Big fan of MVNO's previously, but we moved to a more congested area (from a more rural area) and they just can't offer the speeds we need due to all the deprioritization. Data's almost unusable in some parts here.

The wife traded in her iPhone 11 for a 13PM and got ~$800 off with AT&T. She was using AT&T prepaid previously @ $60 a month (Top plan with AT&T prepaid does not have deprioritization) and when she got the 13PM, switched to a postpaid plan for $68. She's now stuck in that plan for another 2 years, but overall is happy with her service.

MVNO's are great if they work well in your area. But there's nothing like a dedicated line


Crishien t1_ixavqiz wrote

Wow, can't wait to use it on rare occasion I'm standing 50cm from the 5g tower!


rypher t1_ixb0ltg wrote

I get 5g everywhere nowadays (and I travel) except when in the mountains or on a long stretch of highway.


Crishien t1_ixcejfr wrote

90% of 5g are overclocked 4g towers.

Also you don't get true 5g speeds if you don't stand right under the transmitter. Power is greatly reduced over distance.

I also get connected to 5g everywhere, but often it's so slow it won't load a page and I have to manually switch to 4g which loads instantly.

But anyway, there's 0 use for true 5g speeds as you probably don't download 10 4k movies in one go to watch 5 minutes later.


Belshirrr t1_ixcc5fd wrote

I'm abit confused at the article as I have a Pixel 5 on network Three. I use 5G all the time and I regularly get 500Mbps+ consistently on speed test apps? Yet on the article its showing speeds of up to 171Mbps for an Iphone being amazing?

Am I missing something?


alc4pwned t1_iy509zp wrote

The article says 171 was the median speed, not the maximum speed. That’s what you’re missing. It’s not “up to” 171.


Havesomepeas t1_ixb6lq9 wrote

It doesn’t matter for me. T-Mobile drop the the speed after 50gb usage for “unlimited data plan” thinking 5g all the way.


idi0disq0 t1_ixb2c56 wrote

It's .000000000000000001% faster, warranting this article!


RCnottheCola t1_ixco6zy wrote

5g is trash. I have it turned off


LurkingLarry43 t1_ixbcrlb wrote


Edit: y’all gonna want some of this. Do the facts back up the headline at this moment in time?

Edit 2: between data throttling and data caps - who the fuck wants faster mobile data?


vahid83 t1_ixbo6va wrote

This sub has become the de facto place for Apple's ads.


janksnake t1_ixb52lg wrote

Who cares? It literally makes zero difference to anything. There is exactly zero use cases where maximum 5g speed is necessary when using a phone.


Sassquatch0 t1_ixbmrp1 wrote

I agree.

I'm doing a dual-sim demo of T-Mobile 5G, alongside my LTE AT&T.

I know my Pixel 5a doesn't have mmWave 5G, and maybe T-Mobile is throttling their demo speeds, but I rarely see anything above 60-80Mbps out of it (even standing next to the tower). Pretty sure that's still inside LTE speed ranges.

And nobody in my family (kids included) actually needs anything above 10-15Mbps. I can stream max-quality CoD to Twitch or YouTube on less bandwidth than that.


HexxRx t1_ixd1vkf wrote

Necessary when there is high congestion of users


Sir_lordtwiggles t1_ixsj9yy wrote

that would limit the bandwidth available, not the bandwidth your phone is capable of using

It doesn't matter if your bucket can hold 1 gallon when there is only 1 quart available.


HexxRx t1_ixxbrir wrote

That’s why I’m saying 5G mid and mmwave makes a difference


Brieble t1_ixbsz1n wrote

If it was the other way around, Android user would use it to trash Apple users.


Whyzocker t1_ixbckvt wrote

Will be very useful in countries like germany where you can then completely empty your expensive and limited data in mere seconds the next time you forget to turn wifi back on

Though i dont think money is a problem for people with an iphone 14


Say10sadvocate t1_ixcc4ej wrote

My pixel 7 rocks faster than I could ever need 5g already.

I am not about to pay Apple a fortune for slightly faster lol


thethrillman t1_ixdm1g3 wrote

TBF the iPhone 14 Pro is only slightly more expensive than the pixel 7 Pro.

And the base 14 isn't that much more expensive than the base pixel 7

Except Google is doing deals/trade ins that is.


rendezvousnz t1_ixdxfj8 wrote

This may be true, but practically it varies so much it becomes irrelevant.


UndefinedBehaver t1_ixe3vid wrote

It honestly doesn’t feel that great, maybe it’s the specific location of my apartment (I have VZW Home 5G and line of sight to the tower, so I doubt it), or maybe every single service and website is bloated and needs obnoxious amounts of data now, but whatever the case may be, neither 5GUW nor the 14 Pro have been remotely impressive speed-wise


Top-Campaign4620 t1_ixevj03 wrote

This latest greatest phone war stuff has been irrelevant for years now..


Deltys t1_ixf9z6t wrote

I’m fortunate enough to live literally 500 FT from a 5G tower and it has felt like a decent step up from regular 4G. I have a 14 pro max and it’s my first 5G phone. I’m probably not the targeted demographic and I don’t use 5G to its fullest potential, but it is nice to have for no extra cost.

I did notice incredible speeds though through Ookla. Not sure what I’ll do with those speeds but it’s cool anyways!


Spankyzerker t1_ixm6vta wrote

It doesn't matter though, literally every phone is limited in a matter that makes whatever fastest speed irrelevant. Its like going from dialup to 1gig fiber. The leap is so much you don't even notice things being slow anyways, so if offered 2gig you wouldn't even consider it.


Mackinnon29E t1_ixnf723 wrote

Does this actually make any difference in anyone's daily life?


RiseFTA t1_ixc7ysu wrote

Apple sucks, Android rules, upvoots to the left 👈


snakebite2017 t1_ixbqf22 wrote

Speed isn't the problem with 5g. I don't even use it because it uses too much power.


LocustUprising t1_ixcyeyy wrote

The 5G auto setting helps with this in my personal experience


snakebite2017 t1_ixdwwrq wrote

My phone doesn't have that setting. 5g is overhyped with little benefits to average users.


LocustUprising t1_ixfhsi8 wrote

I agree. That’s why I usually just stick with 4G/LTE until I need 5G


Thrilleye51 t1_ixb6ltv wrote

Still iphone only has dominance in America. Worldwide Android wins.


welchplug t1_ixb7fli wrote

not in profits though.


Thrilleye51 t1_ixb7km8 wrote



Thrilleye51 t1_ixb88wv wrote


welchplug t1_ixbv45n wrote


Thrilleye51 t1_ixbxq43 wrote

Well the article clearly said it didn't share shipment and profit information. Not official info from Apple


welchplug t1_ixc2jf6 wrote

be stubborn. Its hard for you to admit your wrong a lot in life huh?


Thrilleye51 t1_ixcvxic wrote

A lot in life or maybe about this? What in the fuck are you talking about? Show me something that clearly said they've sold more worldwide. I'll show you one that says they haven't.


HexxRx t1_ixd1peo wrote

Are you dumb? Nothing in that article you posted declares anything about profitability just market share.

Which doesn’t really matter because every basic shitty 50 dollar phone can run android


Thrilleye51 t1_ixd20er wrote

The price means nothing. Android is on it and they've sold more worldwide. Cry in the car.


HexxRx t1_ixdbh5r wrote

Lol you must really have mash potato for brains not even sad about it lol 😆

Carry on with your life


Thrilleye51 t1_ixdchyr wrote

I don't need you to be sad. Be sad about the fact that Apple only does well here in America.


HexxRx t1_ixdfq4n wrote

Like I said. $$$ > Market Share



Theherosidekick t1_ixb4fnb wrote

5G suuuuuuucks. I feel like it’s worse than 4GLTE.


ynazuma t1_ixb40hk wrote

Macworld bringing the "truth" to the fanboys


MrDefenseSecretary t1_ixb68dt wrote

They reporting on a study they had nothing to do with. Cmon man, at least make an effort.


Top-Sink t1_ixb6srp wrote

You know they didn’t actually read the article


sanjsrik t1_ixaujeh wrote

And is in a closed universe.

Has "accessories" that cost how much more than any generic android accessory?

Has a closed appstore.


"Study" huh?

Who paid for it?


2001zhaozhao t1_ixavakq wrote

Doesn't matter when JavaScript speeds are slower than even Android phones from years ago so your websites will load slower anyway.


FightOnForUsc t1_ixaz86q wrote

I mean if that was true then sure, but it’s faster in JavaScript than basically any desktop CPU, so just no. Look up it’s JavaScript benchmarks if you don’t believe me


2001zhaozhao t1_ixbsln3 wrote

Then this is completely opposite to my personal experience as a developer. I can't get my JS game to run at more than 20FPS on a iPhone 13 (2021) at the same NPC count that runs at 90FPS on a OnePlus 7 Pro (2019).


FightOnForUsc t1_ixg4nj3 wrote

I feel like there’s a lot of possible reasons for that, but regardless the a series chips are VERY good at JavaScript. I think apple may almost put too much effort into that with the silicon design but it makes the computers feel snappy to users doing basic tasks and that’s what sells a lot of their devices


OkieBassist t1_ixaugfi wrote

Don’t care. Still not using the M1 chip, and still using Lightning Cable to charge… Maybe they get it right on the 15, but I doubt it. Apple has been on a slide towards mediocrity since Steve died.


Termades t1_ixawp6n wrote

I’ll agree on USB-C, but why would it need to have the M1 chip? What performance upside is that going to give you that wouldn’t be more than offset by the massively increased power consumption?


OkieBassist t1_ixawvah wrote

M1 has a better power management. My MacBook Pro goes days without charging and trust me, I use it. I want 3-4 days between charges. Not nightly. Pipe dream I know, but a man can dream. I’d be quite happy with usb c.


dlewis23 t1_ixb38un wrote

Your MacBook doesn’t have a 5G modem in it sucking down power. You might not realize it but cellular modems use a lot of power.

And your MacBook has a much bigger battery.


OkieBassist t1_ixb3cqj wrote

You’re not wrong. I did say it’s a pipe dream.