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TehYock t1_j0mp5ss wrote

Hey man, just use Moonlight instead. It'll push 4K 120 HDR


Psyphil t1_j0mw6lx wrote

Moonlight uses nvidia gamestream


Shruglife t1_j0mzwwu wrote

Yes but this article says its killing gamestream on shield. If they kill it period Im going to be very pissed


king0demons t1_j0n9tb7 wrote

If they kill it entirely thats fine, someone has already made a 3rd party clone called sunshine. Pairs perfectly with moonlight which is basically the client side software used by the shields. Supports pretty much any os as well.


Shruglife t1_j0nv8d6 wrote

Ive heard this but my question is will Sunshine work if they kill support?


king0demons t1_j0nwaeo wrote

Sunshine is a recreation of game stream so it should show up on any device you are able to scan for game stream servers. So if the question is can you still use it on a shield, if you can get moonlight installed, sure.


Shruglife t1_j0nwzs1 wrote

Thanks. I dont use on shield, but did read about sunshine because I was considering getting a AMD card instead of Nvidia. Ironically today I got a 3070ti, and now Im like should I return and get a 6800xt? Does Sunshine work as well as moonlight? I use it quite a bit


king0demons t1_j0nzamq wrote

Sunlight is the server, moonlight is the client. Sunshine supports amd, intel and nvidea video devices, so it should work with anything.