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hawkinsst7 t1_j0uqi7s wrote

Years ago, I had what would probably be a shower thought, but really I was just coming from dental surgery :

We can do arcane gestures on a slab of metal and glass, and magically know more, communicate with other, or even affect the real world.

Really puts into context Arthur c. Clarke's quote.

>“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”


aircooledJenkins t1_j0v23j6 wrote

"I think every world is magic, we just get used to it."

From Stephen King's new book "Fairy Tale."


ablackcloudupahead t1_j0veyzh wrote

Damn I loved that book. Crazy that King can make giant departures from his norm at this place in his career


MARCVS-PORCIVS-CATO t1_j0xxajy wrote

This is something that I unironically believe in wholeheartedly. I saw a comment a year or two ago on I think /r/programmerhumor? Haven’t been able to find it since, wish I could. Anyway, basically it was about this exactly, explaining how computers are magic, chemistry is magic, engineering is magic, and all sorts of other fields. So, yeah, as far as I’m concerned, magic is real