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IMovedYourCheese t1_j26z12z wrote

Because roasting people to death on an electric chair or painfully botching executions with an illicit cocktail of drugs is so much more humane...


squidking78 t1_j270oln wrote

Well no one electrocutes folks anymore. And only in a small number of mouth breather states do they still bother executing people. ( which in itself, is not a barbaric thing necessarily when dealing with people who are proven mass murderers etc etc )

But nice try saying “The US is just as bad as Saudi Arabia so stop criticizing them!”


__sys_out_println__ t1_j27yzn3 wrote

Also he implicitly accepted that Saudis behead people.

Plus in some states in the US, if I’m not mistaken, death penalty is given to people who have killed others or for some other horrific crimes. In Saudi Barbaria, if you say god has a lil dick you get beheaded.


squidking78 t1_j29r254 wrote

In Saudi Arabia, an absolute dictatorship, you can be beheaded for all sorts of things besides murdering someone else. And get your hand chopped off for even less!

Now these are the people you want in tech.


CycloneGhostAlpha t1_j29l2ii wrote

then don’t say god has a little dick, not that hard


BrygusPholos t1_j29oute wrote

Or just allow people freedom of expression and religious sentiment? Not that hard


CycloneGhostAlpha t1_j29stxg wrote

or just respect people’s religion? it goes both ways


BrygusPholos t1_j29xcrs wrote

Sure, I would agree that intentionally disrespecting someone’s religion simply for the sake of disrespecting the religion is in bad taste. But no respectable society would make it punishable by death.

Also, Saudi Arabia takes it a step further by also punishing apostasy (renunciation of one’s religious beliefs) and heresy (expression of religious beliefs that differ from the prevailing orthodoxy) potentially with death. That means Saudi Arabia is one of the least respectful societies of religion.

Maybe you should stop shilling for that backwards regime, or at least do a better job at it.


__sys_out_println__ t1_j2cw1lf wrote

If you see something wrong in a religion, any religion, why not say it? If a god (imho all of them the byproduct of human imagination) prohibits people from having freedom of expression, I would call that god a lil dick god.


squidking78 t1_j29qf01 wrote

But he has got a little Dick. Allah also has ED.


KruppeTheWise t1_j28r62q wrote

When you stop and think about it, a Saudi prince got the US to go in and cripple the Saudis main adversary in their region, killing hundreds of thousands of their civilians in over a decade of occupation, by killing US citizens in a terrorist attack.


squidking78 t1_j29q8v9 wrote

That was wholly on the neocon republicans who just wanted an excuse.

Iran is the House of Sauds arch nemesis, not Iraq. Maybe read up on the region.


KruppeTheWise t1_j29rmxj wrote

I did, which is why I know the Sauds were very happy with Saddam during the Iran-Iraq war and then relations deteriorated rapidly after with borders being closed, embassies removed on both side when Saddam turned on Kuwait next. It's almost like the Sauds no longer trusted Saddam to do their bidding and wanted him gone with a puppet government in place. What exactly happened again?

Maybe read up yourself.


squidking78 t1_j2as4xl wrote

Newsflash: countries have issues with other countries all the time. Now look into Iran and Saudi Arabia. Little bigger differences there.

All you’re doing is trying to defend the indefensible by trying to say “but look at all these other places that also do some less bad stuff!”

doesn’t change Saudi Arabia being deplorable. Guess when they got rid of slavery.


Cfood3 t1_j28o20w wrote

The US is even worse. It’s literally a terrorist organization by definition.


LordNoodles t1_j29bcf6 wrote

Or killing Yemenis with US built weaponry, or invading a half the Middle East and a third of South America

Let’s just agree to a tie in terms of evilest country in the world


proteinfiber t1_j28ae0x wrote

Look at all the downvotes the truth always gets
