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metarinka t1_j2a75rk wrote

Fun fact AR has this unsolved vision blocking paradign.

Imagine a big tablet in your hands with a full screen video playing. Your wife calls you and you look up at her.

Ok now imagine you have a table sized screen floating in front of your face and your wife calls and you are already looking up. She doesn't know you can't see her and you can't see her without pressing buttons or whatever to hide the screen. Inconvenient.

Now imagine your a 737 pilot about to land in bad weather and you get a full screen pop-up that you forgot to check the tire pressure.

If it's small you can work around it but then it's a stamp at arms length. If it's big then no one has solved when you want to pay attention and when you want to not. Typical gauges let you look down at them. At best it solves really niche things like when you want limited headsup info like a speedometer floating while you drive but that's not life changing.