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VengefulAncient t1_j2z25gz wrote

It's even less of a problem when your screen is matte. Glossy coating adds absolutely nothing of value to the screen's factual characteristics. The fact that Apple's version of glossy is less worse than usual glossy gets brought up a lot, but it doesn't change the fact that it's still worse than just matte - so why do we keep bringing it up at all? It only serves as an excuse for them to keep doing it.

> Also helps to not use cleaners when cleaning the screen

I've tried that, but that coating ironically makes it absolutely impossible even for the slightest smudges to come off with just a microfiber cloth, it needs cleaner. Glossy screens without that coating don't have that issue, in my experience. Or maybe they have oleophobic coating that Apple displays don't. Fortunately, it's not my problem in the long run, as this is a company laptop, so if the screen does stain while I'm still with them, it's an excuse for me to demand an upgrade.