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SomeKidFromPA t1_j3xcu2u wrote

Yeah, I'm fine with Independent creators sharing their work. Not so cool with established brands doing stuff like this.


garry4321 t1_j41o0el wrote

I think ethically, anyone trying to advertise on a platform that charges for advertisement, should, you know; play by the rules.

Reddit is free for a reason.


SomeKidFromPA t1_j41p5wp wrote

Idk, it's a social media platform. User posts are already the product. I don't really see a difference in someone posting an opinion of theirs vs something they created. Maybe posting "hey buy my game" isn't the best look, but sharing something they made to users who might have an interest in their product is fine with me.

I can post advertisements for what I made on Facebook or Twitter, they also have ads. Reddit just allows the creator to select a larger, more likely to be interested, audience for their post beyond their current following. (Obviously some subs have rules against this to stop the constant postings, but I don't think it should be against Reddits rules in general.)


Seva55 t1_j41x2l2 wrote

Its disingenuous as a news article tho. Its claiming its the best. And it looks like shit. Not just hey we built this product. But advertisement using psychological manipulation. Unethical


SomeKidFromPA t1_j41xdmy wrote

I literally said companies shouldn't do it. Read. Independent creators who are making things on their own dime/time are just like you and me, and should post what they want. Anker has an advertising department. They shouldn't be doing it.