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aliendepict t1_j46o8u8 wrote

I also do work in this field... AI is referred to when a computational device is being used to imitate or perform a human like interaction, or is facilitating something that typically would require human level intelligence.

This object was likely trained using ML algorithms which is where they get the "AI based" as ML is a subset of AI and refers to the training of such things. So in that way it is not incorrect. My gripe is that with how loosely the likes of Microsoft, Google, and Co have defined "AI" we will not be able to hold truly meaningful conversations about what AI is. The definition has lost value when everything from ChatGPT that facilitates true AI qualities and values, to my Samsung TV simply turning on because I walked into a room is being called AI, how do we delineate to the masses?

TLDR: I'm a grumpy codger that is tired of marketing dumbing down definitions to simply sell things, that have existed in some form or fashion for a decade and revitalizing it by slapping the term "ai" on it.


barzamsr t1_j46xtrk wrote

The phrase "is referred to" is too vague for my taste. I'm all for descriptive language when it comes to the everyday, but for technical terms, I think definitions are what should matter.

With that said, AI is certainly not defined in terms of human intelligence. "Aeronautical engineering texts do not define the goal of their field as making machines that fly so exactly like pigeons that they can fool even other pigeons" (stuart russel).

Also, AI is not defined by corporations. It's defined by computer scientists. As for delineating to the masses, I think the answer to that is proper education.

Your TV turning on when you walk into a room IS AI. It's not a dumbed down definition, it's the definition widely agreed upon by computer scientists. Just because marketing is deplorable doesn't make it otherwise.


j_dog99 t1_j4b62an wrote

It depends on what your definition of 'is' is


croto8 t1_j4a61v2 wrote

Path finding algorithms were some of the first research in AI. You’re confusing AI with AGI, and there is correct terminology in the field to differentiate robustness of different models. Source: I actually work in the field.


xiaopewpew t1_j4a0pzu wrote

I dunno what is the origin of the trend of people cosplaying programmers and talk about shit they have no clue about. You sound like the guy Google fired for falling in love with a natural language model, except you dont know what a natural language model is.

Now substitute that with AI and ML