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Eccomi21 t1_j4foizm wrote

Remember when this bone transmission shit never worked.

(It sort of does but Theres basically no lows at all ever)


perinon t1_j4fpr2c wrote

I use a bone transmission headset when I go jogging, they are perfect. I don’t need high quality music, just a background to keep me pumped and entertained, and I can perfectly hear cars, bicycles, and other people passing next to me and stay safe…


Eccomi21 t1_j4g0cf4 wrote

Unthinkable for a basshead like me. But if it works for you then that's perfect. I use passtrough on mine and have the volume relatively low, so while not as safe its still safe. Though, I don't run, I only walk to and from work in a pedestrian area


Bronteandlizzy t1_j4giuml wrote

“And in her ears the little Seashells, the thimble radios tamped tight, and an electronic ocean of sound, of music and talk and music and talk coming in, coming in on the shore of her unsleeping mind. The room was indeed empty. Every night the waves came in and bore her off on their great tides of sound, floating her, wide-eyed, toward morning. There had been no night in the last two years that Mildred had not swum that sea, had not gladly gone down in it for the third time.”
― Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451


perinon t1_j4gl737 wrote

I’m using an older model from Shokz It seems that now they sell newer models and different sizes, but mine would compre to the “openrun” model I guess.

I prefer them to the AirPods Pro (with transparency mode) or other in-ear when I run. Of course, as mentioned in other comments, the music quality is not what you are looking for here…

I like them because they are very stable, they allow you to hear everything around, and there is never that weird deep sound that sometimes you have with in-ear when you walk, which I really hate.


perinon t1_j4gpwaz wrote

I often listen to those Nike Run Club couching sessions and there is often a guy talking through the session, and I can clearly hear what he says, so they should be fine with audio books too.

One thing to consider though is the amount of noise or traffic where you run. I normally run through fields, so it’s very quite, but indeed when I need to go through a couple of noise roads I need to volume up quite a bit to distinctively understand what he says


Nokomis34 t1_j4h8oak wrote

I've used Shokz, but I find things like the glasses to sound much better. I currently use the Bose Frames Tempo. Still not great bass, as to be expected, but I don't feel like it's completely missing like the bone conduction.

And yea, any pass through type headphone is just not the same as open ears.


SevenSebastian t1_j4hbr5v wrote

Yes, but more people are going to try and talk to you. They can’t see that you’re wearing headphones. I want to buy big over the ear ones just for this reason.


KEVLAR60442 t1_j4hfqup wrote

In my experience, transparency modes kill the spacialization of incoming noise, so it's fine for holding a conversation, but it's definitely not good for hearing where something is coming up on you from behind.


TroubledNature t1_j4hlt6p wrote

This is what I did, but it doesn't work. I wear them to walk my dog while listening to audio books. Neighbors are constantly talking to me. I live in a very friendly neighborhood though, so your mileage may vary.


j33205 t1_j4hqbeq wrote

Was their goal to make them ugly as sin? 'cause that's what they did


juice_box_hero t1_j4i5o97 wrote

Thanks for sharing this quote. I actually just picked up an old copy of the book yesterday while at work. I’ll have to pull it out of the pile and start reading it. I’ve never read it before and this speaks to me. Thanks, friend


SpotfireVideo t1_j4i66vo wrote

How long until we see a thread on Reddit about someone who got their earrings confiscated for listening to audio while working or in class?


TheKingOfDub t1_j4i9zfz wrote

You don’t want to know about the subwoofer


Anthfurnee t1_j4igswu wrote

Iirc, this idea for earrings was used in the episode of duck tales when the boys had control of Scrooge Mcduck's business.


rawzombie26 t1_j4inst1 wrote

“These may look like your typical pair of earrings outfitted with — rather large — pearls”

Those don’t look like typical earrings at all. They look like cattle ear tags for gods sake!


PsiHightower t1_j4iq0x9 wrote

Audio? “Up and into” my ear?! That’s unheard of!


cat9tail t1_j4itept wrote

Who is following her, and why does she keep turning around and smiling at them? That's just encouraging it.


mrdevil413 t1_j4iw3j7 wrote

I second this. I have always had over the ear headphones. People still try and talk to you. Even when they are driving by in a car and you are walking. Or in the middle of a rep at the gym. No where is safe ! :)


ventusvibrio t1_j4ix10e wrote

Hell yes, finally a real life Link Pearl!


msherretz t1_j4j8g4g wrote

Shit, I clicked on a Verge article


Teamnoq t1_j4jhfwx wrote

Every NBA player and rapper will be sporting these soon.


NewDad907 t1_j4ji2xx wrote

I have no idea. If I see earbuds or headphones, I specifically do not bother the person unless it’s urgent. I hate being bothered when listening to something, so I don’t do it to others.

People are just oblivious I guess?


ZarafFaraz t1_j4juwia wrote

The sound leakage is probably worse than those garbage bone conduction headphones.


knightriderin t1_j4k0ua8 wrote

Especially because it can be a conference call, too. For a while I used to go on walks when I had a conference call that didn't need me in front of the computer. People always talked to me and especially with older people it's difficult to explain that you are working while walking down the street and can't talk about the weather now.

I don't live in a rural place, but in freaking Berlin.


Cameront9 t1_j4kc9ki wrote

And they’re probably still cheaper than my BTE hearing aids.


prguitarman t1_j4kq5hx wrote

Aren’t peals notoriously fragile, especially when wet?


doomvetch92 t1_j4lgovw wrote

I like how they look, but ima stick with my raycons.


skirunski t1_j4oe8qb wrote

Very impressed by the design. They’re beautiful.