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t1_j4r6svc wrote

>The ARM chips are significantly more efficient with memory over Intel chips.

No. Stop justifying Apple's shit. My phone has 12 GB of ram.


t1_j4rg70a wrote

And performs worse than apples phone with less ram.


t1_j4ri9en wrote

Yes, the phone with an ARM vs the phone with the ARM most definitely performs way worse.

Stop being such a fanboy. Apple isn't some magical company that designs everything perfect.


t1_j4rkonf wrote

Fanboy? Lmao. As if you’re been objective buddy. My example proves to you that ram ain’t everything.

No matter how you will want to spin it, your 12gb of ram ain’t shit if it’s not the most powerful


t1_j4rn7jc wrote

Yay, your "faster" phone is better at browsing facebook and tiktok.

Congrats, fanboy.

Now quick, your tiktok has a new challenge for you!


t1_j4rqqb6 wrote



t1_j4s4eg9 wrote

IKR! RAM is only going to help with the # of shit you're running, I personally barely use my phone. As far as CPU? You say the iPhone is faster? The tensor holds up pretty well, and new CPUs are coming out almost daily. But really, are you seeing "massive" difference in performance between different phone generations? Oh boy, got me on that 1 millisecond faster load time on some shitty game!


t1_j4s4pqx wrote

> The tensor holds up pretty well,

No. Stop justifying Google’s shit.


t1_j4s7cg3 wrote

Tensor is actually pretty weak. Google's priority isn't the speed or power of Tensor. SD 8 Gen 2 is a much better example though it still isn't as powerful as the A16 Bionic.


t1_j4x8dt4 wrote

Have to love posts like this that are absolutely clueless. M1 has redefined the benchmark for high performance energy efficient ARM chipsets. M2 progresses further on this. The fact you're comparing it to your shitty phone processor and RAM shows you know zero about this topic.

If you hate Apple, cool. But please educate yourself or refrain from posting your highly objective and misinformed opinion.


t1_j4yewg0 wrote

Meh, no need - just trolling.

But yeah, I do hate apple. And I don't care about the M1/M2/M3/M4/M5 whatever comes out. Something better will always come out.


t1_j4zl1wp wrote

You aren't trolling though, your knowledge is just extremely poor and you think you have a valid point but don't.

Wrong again, there is currently no ARM chip that competes with Apple Silicone. Microsoft recently launched Volta which lacks many of the unique features Apple have implemented.