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HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5g2m9t wrote

Maybe from the year 2005.

But that's true of almost all modern phones.

My Galaxy Fold Z3 probably outperforms my 2004 Celeron 1.5ghz with 512 mb RAM computer.

Actually, it might have had 2.5 ghz. I can't remember. It was a Celeron D.


farmdve t1_j5ga98j wrote

2.66Ghz. Don't ask me how I remember this from 2006.


justdrowsin t1_j5gf2xk wrote

Oh yeah? I remember springing for the math co-processor on my 486 when I upgraded from my 386. Doom worked so damn good after that.


alternate_ending t1_j5gs352 wrote

flips the turbo switch and boots up DOS


justdrowsin t1_j5gzoep wrote

Why would I flip up the turbo switch? It makes all my games mess up and run too fast.


Purpoisely_Anoying_U t1_j5geyvh wrote

I get the reasoning behind it, but it's still wild we hit 1ghz in around 2000, then 2ghz just a few years later and have pretty much stayed there since for practically everything.

I remember the mhz/ghz wars just ramping up like Moore's law and then it suddenly stopped.


Comfortable_History8 t1_j5gj9ni wrote

Multi-core multi-thread wars started up about the time the GHz wars ended along with a huge amount of processing for gaming being offloaded to dedicated GPU’s


[deleted] t1_j5gjfix wrote



Purpoisely_Anoying_U t1_j5gk66u wrote

If you asked me back in 2000 seeing the movement from 20mhz to 100mhz to 1ghz in relatively short time I'd figure we'd be at 15ghz by now and 128gb memory


Emu1981 t1_j5kk4mx wrote

>then 2ghz just a few years later and have pretty much stayed there since for practically everything.

*looks at the base speed of 3.6GHz and max boost of 5GHz at stock of his 12700k*.

The wall CPUs hit in terms of frequency was 5GHz-6GHz. Silicon just doesn't like going past those clock speeds without pulling a ton of power and producing a butt load of heat.


impreprex t1_j5glubv wrote

Hey, does anyone remember the 667mhz PCs? Weren't they supposed to be 666mhz - going along with the numbering convention they used (multiples of 16)?


Space_Olympics t1_j5ga3j1 wrote

I mean pretty obvious. Can a 2004 Celeron run Fortnite, Genshin impact etc? No my phone can at 90ish fps on max settings lmao.


Valmond t1_j5ght5c wrote

So where do you put the cables controlling your 3D printer in your phone?

They are two wildly different use cases.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5gnbzb wrote

USB C port.


Valmond t1_j5gyr5b wrote

How would you do that? I mean would you just control the computer controlling the 3D printer or could the phone do the whole job?

I'm actually curious about this because hell yeah even the cheapest phone have so much CPU power, but it seems it's locked (sort of) and you can't just write 10 lines of python (or whatever) to control a stepper motor or three.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5gz3xr wrote

I haven't done it, but whatever you can write for raspberry, you can write in Java for Android.


Valmond t1_j5m19ja wrote

I'm talking about how the smartphone would control a 3D printer. How would it do that?


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5m1vir wrote

A phone is literally a computer. It takes commands and puts out signals. Whatever signals the raspberry pi puts out to the printer, the phone can do through USB.

The machine that's doing it doesn't matter. Phone, desktop, laptop, calculator, pi, Xbox. As long as the right software is there, and the machine is fast enough to do what needs to be done, any device can send out the right signals.

So USB is how you connect it to a printer.


Valmond t1_j5qhsmu wrote

Okay I understand now, I think it boils down to:

"As long as the right software is there"

and your lack of understanding how computers and networks work in general I guess?

Is there a "software" for your phone to control a/my 3D printer? I guess not. Java compiler is a software in itself, as are C/C++ compilers, 3D printer firmware etc. You can technically write it, but that is usually done by either a multi billion company or an open source group of hundreds, thousands of people (I mean you need to use stuff done by others to get your thing running).

Also, how do you hook your phone up to the 3D printer? It won't happen by itself.

You are right in theory, but not in practice I'd say!




HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5qmkdn wrote

Imagine telling a software engineer that he "doesn't know how computers work". That's adorable.


Valmond t1_j5v1i67 wrote

Most don't so ...

Or think like just because they have a general idea if how things work, they know the nitty gritty details. Actually we all do that from time to time, but I have coded j2me on mobile phones for a couple of years, I have also used and modified C code for my 3D printer (I'm a senior C/C++ dev) so I think I'm not completely off the track. But I mean I still wait for you to show me how you'd hook a smartphone up to control a 3Dprinter. I mean it surely is possible, maybe easy, maybe very costly, but the burden of proof lies on you, not me, IMO.


HaikuBotStalksMe t1_j5v6047 wrote

Literally just get a USB cable that is designed to interface with the printer. Whatever the printer uses to interface with a raspberry pi - just plug it into your phone and there you go. I don't know what you use to connect your raspberry to your printer. Is it USB? Then connect that to your phone the same way. Is it that one weird set of pins (GPIO I think?) - then get a GPIO to USB connector.

The burden of proof isn't on me; this isn't an official Lincoln Douglass debate or cross examine debate. It's just a conversation. I hacked my PS3 with a TI89 a while back. Because the TI89 provided some code that emulated a factory reset dongle's output.

The PS3 didn't care what was providing the code. It just wanted to receive the code. I could have done that with a PC. A phone. A raspberry pi. A custom made dongle. Maybe even an analog to digital signal piano if the PS3 didn't time out on my inputs.


Valmond t1_j5yci8i wrote

Okay, please show me the java code controlling the 3D printer now :-) You see, it's possible but not easily feasable.