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sesor33 t1_j5z090i wrote

The goal would be to condense it into the visor of a helmet, having an IRL HUD would be extremely useful for navigation, aim, comms, etc.


Killjoy911 t1_j5zol0c wrote

See the problem for me is not the hud system. I agree with you, a hud with locations and directions and all that would be great. It’s the hardware behind it. Shit it probably uses those block singars batteries (2590’s), you feel me. Charging this shit and getting it to glasses that are as thin as m frames, with an easy to use interface…. Not going to happen. People have been watching and playing too many video games.. last deployments I had it was always the simplest shit that worked the best… not this fancy bullshit.


Doggleganger t1_j628250 wrote

Also, you know this shit is gonna blue screen when you need it most. Then you tear it off and it's flopping around behind you, still attached to the battery pack that's strapped on somewhere.


Killjoy911 t1_j62dyzj wrote

Exactly, next thing you know they’re sitting in the back of the ________ (insert MRAP of choice) collecting Fucking dust and taking up space.

Edit: but they have a serial number so of course they have to get inventoried.


qqqzzzeee t1_j62zjns wrote

Well, with batteries you could run a cable from the hypothetical glasses to the battery that hangs on the hip/back or whatever.


NewDad907 t1_j62i5fm wrote

Hell. Google Glass would probably work better.


Sol33t303 t1_j631m3u wrote

Fighter pilots already essentially already have this and it works great for them.