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karateninjazombie t1_j6kyonc wrote

They would if they could. It takes some serious production and procurement ramp up to have bazillions of drones to hand to use as loitering munitions.


DataSquid2 t1_j6l808h wrote

I had though that production ramp-up is what militaries have been working on for a while.

I obviously don't follow the space since I said I was surprised, but with how long drone tech has been around now it feels like there has been enough time for that production ramp up.

Obviously I'm wrong, and I'm almost happy I am because when it is bazillions of kamikaze drones then war will be even more hellish.


Omegalazarus t1_j6lvs8g wrote

I think it's because those type of drones aren't great for an advanced military. Kamikaze drones are a low speed, high interactivity, small payload delivery system. Each of those three criteria are not what you want. If you can avoid it.


DataSquid2 t1_j6m22y1 wrote

That makes more sense to me. I didn't even consider a drone being low speed or having a small payload, but by military standards it totally is.

The thought of a swarm of kamikaze drones really is terror inducing though.


Omegalazarus t1_j6m83v2 wrote

Yeah the terror aspect for sure. They did they on a movie years back. Someone tried to assassinate the president with suicide drones. It was a tense action scene.