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t1_jaa1bke wrote

What is… Kholat? Seems like the least recognizable from the entire least, at least to me


t1_jaa2tgl wrote

Indie horror game. I personally didn't care for it, but to each their own.


t1_jad6uz1 wrote

It's a horror themed walking simulator. I played it early and loved it. Later i learned it wasn't well received and couldn't really understand why.

Seeing it on this list made me happy.


t1_jadvz8e wrote

A horror themed walking simulator? I understand each of those words by themselves, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen them together in a phrase, let alone describing a game.

Now I’m more curious than ever, so I’ll try to check it out. Thanks a ton for such a complete answer!


t1_jacr9yv wrote

P.T is an interesting choice. It goes to show how good that demo really was.


t1_jaa19ov wrote

My thoughts are that I don't see one game that isn't on a disc. This means that you're criteria for "all time" has disregarded a lot of the earlier generations of gaming. This isn't to say that your opinion isn't valid it's just to say there is a lot more on 64 and Genesis and regular PlayStation that you need to try


t1_jaa308o wrote

This list makes me feel old, but all of my favorite games of all time are also on a disc.


t1_jaaa3vo wrote

They are good games I won't deny that but there should be some room up there for GoldenEye and ocarina of Time and even super Mario world if you're that ancient like I am


t1_jaa34yp wrote

I appreciate your love of arty, creepy shit. Little Nightmares is insanely underrated. And Unravel? Man after my own heart.

Have you played Inside or Limbo?


t1_jaa37x7 wrote

Ah yes, a horror fan I see. Excellent taste. Have you played the Dead Space remake yet?


t1_jaa398x wrote

Really shocked to see Friday the 13. But hey if you like it that’s all that matters


OP t1_jaa3hf5 wrote

I had a phase where I was obsessed with it until the lawsuit happened


t1_jaa4i7n wrote

I’ll be honest. I played it for 30 min and took forever to find a match and then it spawned me as Jason and took forever to kill just one person. Was kind of done after that.


t1_jaa4t89 wrote

I'm thinking that you are 20-25 years old and haven't actually tried anything that came out before. These games are ok, but to limit your favorite games of all time to things that came out within the last 10 years is truly a shame... 😭😭😭


OP t1_jaa6mgh wrote

This is just my personal favorite games. If you think I’m not reaching out enough, what would you recommend?


t1_jaa5eo8 wrote

I respect REVII being there. I played through it twice and did enjoy myself but I still can't decide if I really liked the game or not. Same with Village honestly.