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MajinBuuMan t1_ja1spc5 wrote

It's a licensed super hero game selling for full price using battle passes and looter shooter mechanics so they can extend grinding time of the playerbase in the hopes that they buy the battle pass. While at the same time nuking single player, which the studio is known for.

I'm betting there will be daily quests too.

It's basically just another Borderlands/Destiny clone but worse.

Like the old days of all the WoW clones but worse.


Yo_Wats_Good t1_ja1u2l3 wrote

>looter shooter mechanics so they can extend grinding time of the playerbase in the hopes that they buy the battle pass.

Counter point: looter shooters are fun and people enjoy playing them and have for decades.

Diablo is a looter. Borderlands is a looter. Destiny 1 was a looter. Division 1 is a looter. All without battle passes.

>While at the same time nuking single player

You can't possibly know or determine this.

>It's basically just another Borderlands/Destiny clone but worse.

They're first person. A game being in the same genre does not make it a clone. This doesn't look even remotely like the gameplay of either games, least of all the verticality and movement.

Edit: Downvoters can't handle different genres being enjoyed. Calling it a clone of these games when you guys are crying because you wanted an Arkham clone is ironic.


somedumbnewguy t1_ja2j23f wrote

>>While at the same time nuking single player

>You can't possibly know or determine this.

Requiring an Internet connection for single player is what we in vidya call an "EA move" but it's okay if daddy Rocksteady does it I guess.


Yo_Wats_Good t1_ja36cmn wrote

Requiring an internet connection has no effect on the quality of the single player, regardless of how you feel about the practice.

If that’s what was meant should’ve stated it differently.
