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Lowbroww t1_ja9rmqx wrote

Brotherhood by far. The Italy setting is miles better, as are the characters. In AC 3 the history is quite cool and the combat is good but the cities are so flat that parkour is just yucky and inefficient, and the characters are not very enjoyable. AC 3 does have a cool DLC with the Tyranny of King Washington, it's like alternate history, episodic and you get some cool powers


BawdyUnicorn t1_ja9su6q wrote

Brotherhood is probably the best AC out there but I believe as far as play time 3 is quite a bit longer.


Yo_Wats_Good t1_ja9zj9h wrote

Anything in the Ezio trilogy goes first. If you can, I'd snag the updated trilogy collection.


HelpfulApple22 t1_jaa2gtb wrote

Brotherhood got super stale towards the end and I couldn't wait to leave it behind and play Revelations. Parkour, modern day and historical story, plot pacing protagonist are better in Brotherhood, while III has a better setting, combat, database writing and the modern day missions were quite fun. Both are good, but I'd give the edge to III as Brotherhood got boring after 40 hours while III didn't. The story itself in the modern day in III was awful, and Desmond looked like a malnourished ghost.


armstrong147 t1_jaa61b9 wrote

Brotherhood, but I'm assuming you've played AC2. Jumping into 3 will mess up the story for you a bit. Brotherhood is a good title. AC3 takes a while to start