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chaingun_samurai t1_ja55fwj wrote

You know what's not funny? Cazadors.


ccbayes t1_ja585u1 wrote

Makes Deathclaws run away. Fuck those things. 4 or more and it is 99% game over. I remember my first fight with them, "WTF how did I die?!" reload and then "Oh shit that is a lot of poison damage! There are 4 of them! Nope." Then run away. As soon as a quest marker when close, nope. Building with them inside = dead. Power armor was like wet paper to them. lol


chaingun_samurai t1_ja58ust wrote

Right? The first time I saw them, it's like "No big deal." Two seconds later? Dead.
I would 100% rather walk into deathclaw canyon with a pistol than deal with cazadors.