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c4t4ly5t t1_ja9xcs0 wrote






Tamaska-gl t1_jaac0ax wrote

Bit annoying to get thru doors eh?


Zeza86 t1_jaambw1 wrote

You should also post on r/finalfantasy. It will be a welcome surprise after the 87 Tifa's cosplay we get there weekly.


redkaezar t1_jaaocux wrote


Holy shitballs. This was even before I picked up cameras.


requiemofchaos t1_jaaoz4e wrote

TIL that I need to actually play FF8 and learn the damn characters, because I was seriously asking "Isn't this Ultimecia?" until I looked up the name.

Excellent cosplay, though.


Elli_Khoraz t1_jaatywy wrote

Holy shiiiiiit. Genuinely one of the best cosplays I've ever seen! Amazing.

Would be a knight of/10.


Zero_Griever t1_jabaf3p wrote

Great job! Didn't expect to see FF8, thrilled as it's my favorite all time game.


FiveGoldenCats t1_jac0ylt wrote

For the record, in 2008 it wasn't anywhere near as easy to make things as it is now, maker tech has progressed so far since then, probably put a lot of work into this and it looks perfect so good freaking job!


Darzok t1_jac2o15 wrote

Oh now that is good cosplay not just look at my tits and time clearly spent on making it.


mkul316 t1_jac6bsi wrote

That's gotta be the biggest pain in the ass to wear at a con.


Commercial_Durian149 t1_jacnumc wrote

I love both, but i kinda feel like ff8 deserves more love And ffvii even while being great, its overrated

I mean, you can make religions of both and both of them are in the same level of greatness, but ff7 has just too much cloud... i mean clout


kaolinitedreams OP t1_jad2njs wrote

Thank you for this. Most people don't realize how difficult it was to make a prop at this time. Now, everyone takes it for granted with the many materials available to them (or the many prop makers that they can just commission.) In those days, you HAD to make your costume, props and all sewing aspects. It was expected.


MrScribz t1_jad8883 wrote

Yea that's my 1 complaint of 8. The draw/junction system mix felt like you were being punished for casting any magic with the slowly diminishing stats plus annoyance of restocking them. So I just never casted any magic opting to just attack and mug everything.


judohart t1_jadtcma wrote

This boss gave my preteen self a whoopin


vipkiding t1_jaetvx3 wrote

I've always felt like the story made absolutely no sense and tacked on.