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Zettz27 t1_ja0tr7r wrote

is this confirmed by the creators or is this some random internet theory?


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0ur04 wrote

It's a Theory, but there really are not Female Black Belts in ANY Pokémon games, the closest is another trainer class named Battle Girl, but then they would have just put Battle Girl.


Zettz27 t1_ja0vey3 wrote

it could just be a slip up or they could be just saying that women can be black belts too, which should be a thing.

I think its a stretch to say that Nintendo and Pokemon are publicly supporting transgenderism. I doubt they would in the first place, let alone in such a strangely hidden way that requires a good amount of reaching.


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0w9gc wrote

In Japanese, the text literally reads "I was a Karate King just half a year ago; the power of medical science is awesome, wouldn’t you say?!"

But go of calling stuff "transgenderism" like a bigot


Zettz27 t1_ja0x7f2 wrote

Dude, I don't know how to read Japanese. All OP had to do was post that and I would have just ignored the post entirely. And can you not throw the word bigot around so callously? Japanese sentiments towards sexuality and transgenderism are vastly different than that of Western Nations. I was doubting that they would do it in the first place for a game like Pokemon and a company like Nintendo.


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0xmlk wrote

Mate, you're fighting SUPER hard against a pretty much confirmed thing, and using the word Transgenderism which is almost EXCLUSIVLY used by Bigots.

so it aint a far stretch.
i also didn't post a picture of the text in Japanese but in plain English, which you hopefully can read


Zettz27 t1_ja0ye0e wrote

The way it was originally portrayed by op implied heavily that, at best, it was a vocational change, especially considering the nature of Japanese views on sexuality. With your intervention of the actual quote, I see no issue here. Transgenderism is a normal word that bigots and non bigots use, it's like the word gay or lesbian, it's just a word. It's not a slur and it's not attacking anyone, it's a descriptive term of a medical condition. Who's talking pictures? You posted a significantly more accurate translation of the text then op did. Also, you don't have to be a condescending asshole with: "which you hopefully can read".


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0zm2x wrote

And then i provided you with new information with you could easily verify by a simple look into the one of a million Wiki, or just GOOGLING the phrase.

Also no, its not a word, Bigots and Non Bigots use, its a Word Universally looked down upon in the LGBT Community, and if you really aren't a bigot like you're so hard trying to prove, maybe just stop using it instead of trying to use it so badly.

Also, you said you cannot read Japanese, to me responding to you in plain old English with what the person said in the original games so i figured there might be some sort of barrier :)


Zettz27 t1_ja10dut wrote

are you dense? I explained in plain english the confusion and here you are, going off like I pissed on the damn queen's grave.

also, here you go:



The state of being transgender.

Its a descriptive term, not a hateful term like the N word or all the nasty things that can be said about people like me. I have never even heard of anyone having an issue with the term "Transgenderism" in my life and its super weird that you have such an issue with it.


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja13egr wrote

Bro, please tell me how the fuck can you literally Copy the definition from Wikipedia, but not manage to read the NEXT FUCKING LINE

Usage notesThe term is common in science and social science literature, but is little used by the transgender community and considered offensive by some. GLAAD says the term is primarily used by anti-transgender activists, and recommends synonyms like "being transgender"

Just stop using the Term, there are MILLION different things you can use that aren't used by Transphobes, and with your inability ot read once again, im quite honestly done here


Zettz27 t1_ja13luk wrote

I didn't get it off wikipedia, that was from the front page of a search engine after looking up the term. My guy, you're trying to make a whole lot of something out of a whole lot of nothing.


[deleted] OP t1_ja0vwgq wrote



ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0wcv9 wrote

Might wanna include the Japanese text aswell, since that is A LOT clearer reading

"I was a Karate King just half a year ago; the power of medical science is awesome, wouldn’t you say?!"


Zettz27 t1_ja0wpe4 wrote

you yourself said:

>After beating her in battle, say says "Yes, a mere half year ago I was a Black Belt! Quite the transformation, wouldn't you say?"

I assume this is all she says as you put a full quote in the text of youre post and trainers dont talk much after getting whooped. this does not really imply transgenderism. Its just a vocational change. unless it literally says she's trans or unless the creators confirm this theory, its just that, a theory.


ThisIsNotMyPornVideo t1_ja0x72v wrote

Literally gave you a translation from the Original Japanese text, yet you're still acting like its not confirmed


Zettz27 t1_ja0xawt wrote

Yeah, actually you didn't. The other guy already confirmed with the actual text, not whatever stuff that you were spouting